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(Written CaC Single) Cyclonic Drifting Rift

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A non-targeting board clear that also punish extra deck spam overplays.


Cyclonic Drifting Rift

Quick-Play Spell

Shuffle all cards on the field into the Deck then each player draw card(s) equal to the number cards they control that was shuffled into the Main Deck by this card's effect plus 1. 


Tell me what you think? Pretty strong 💪 maybe?

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This is a field reset with a possible +12 for you and +13 for your opponent. So the favoribility of would apply more in a BEWD or DM deck after activating Burst Stream of Destruction or Dark Magic Attack.

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Well I'd say as generic non-targeting non-destructive otk-based removal, I'd really only consider playing this against a very backrow heavy strategy if ever, since this card can be perfectly replaced by Book Of Eclipse against monster-spam decks. Book Of Eclipse also makes your opponent draw only in the End Phase which is another reason to not play this against monster heavy decks, as they usually play hand traps instead of backrow, which has to be set first. So in a meta perspective (as removal) I'd not consider this anything close to good. On the other hand when playing some weird ftk deck that can combo out 10 cards with ease and use this to extend into a draw 6 once they got their GY set (remember it's a Quick Spell, so chainable during turn 1), if this doesn't get hit with an Ash, your opponent basically lost.
Also it's a free draw 1 if you open any other Spell/Trap. Set 1, activate, draw 2. Or even activate Upstart, chain this, draw 3. You know there are reasons why Upstart Goblin is limited to 1. With no other restrictions, this custom card kinda just fuels first turn combo, which you actually wanted to punish with it, so I'd rate it with a "topic missed".


PS: Just taking a look once again. Hope everyone's doing well.

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