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17 hours ago, Mr. Best Male 2008 said:

9/10, lost a point for having the n word in the effect box

That's not what "niega" means. It means "negate". The rest of the card being in Spanish really should've tipped you off to that. This should actually be an effect monster as the card text states "Once per turn, negate the attack." I don't know how to actually translate effects into Spanish, so I can't help with the actual words.

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20 minutes ago, TheWanderingMist said:

That's not what "niega" means. It means "negate". The rest of the card being in Spanish really should've tipped you off to that. This should actually be an effect monster as the card text states "Once per turn, negate the attack." I don't know how to actually translate effects into Spanish, so I can't help with the actual words.

-1 point to you for also saying the n word

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