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Cyber/Gadget Deck


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Total: 40



3x Green Gadget

3x Red Gadget

3x Yellow Gadget

3x Drillroid

2x Ancient Gear Engineer

2x Cyber Dragon

2x Jinzo

1x Reflect Bounder

1x Snipe Hunter

1x The Light-Hex Sealed fusion

1x Blowback Dragon




1x De-Fusion

1x Limiter Removal

1x Overload Fusion

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

1x Heavy Storm

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Premature Burial

1x Monster Reborn

2x Power Bond

2x Lightning Vortex

2x Pot of Avarice



1x Torrential Tribute

1x Mirror Force

1x Cyber Shadow Gardna

1x Ultimate Offering



2x Chimeratech Overdragon

2x Cyber-Twin Dragon


Side Deck:


3x Dark Bribe

3x Solemn Judgment

1x By Order of the Emperor

1x Sangan

1x Power Bond

1x Lightning Vortex

1x UFOroid

3x Cyber Phoenix


comment and rate, any tweaks at all since I just put a bunch machines that worked together for swarming the field with overpowered abilities


so please any tweaks I wanna make this as tournament worthy/ready as possible

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Jinzo Lord and Returner are bad, I wouldn't use 'em, might wanna get some The-Light Hex-Sealed Fusions in there to bring out the big boys, Cyber Twins. Also, if you can get more Chimeratechs and Twins in their it would help immensely. Polymerization is bad, Royal Decree isn't good for Gadgets, who need their traps like Bribes, Slemns and Sakeretsus. All that hand advantage you get from Gadgets also cries out the name of Snipe Hunter, and Sangan is a must in any deck. Ultimate Offering also allows you to Swarm Gadgets, always fun =D.

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Jinzo Lord and Returner are bad' date=' I wouldn't use 'em, might wanna get some The-Light Hex-Sealed Fusions in there to bring out the big boys, Cyber Twins. Also, if you can get more Chimeratechs and Twins in their it would help immensely. Polymerization is bad, Royal Decree isn't good for Gadgets, who need their traps like Bribes, Slemns and Sakeretsus. All that hand advantage you get from Gadgets also cries out the name of Snipe Hunter, and Sangan is a must in any deck. Ultimate Offering also allows you to Swarm Gadgets, always fun =D.



Sangan, is not a must in all decks.

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