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The thing you don't want in your bedroom


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The thing you don't want in your bedroom

Level 6 DARK Fiend/tuner/effect

ATK/DEF 1900/1900

When this monster attacks a defence position monster, that monster is forced to with into attack position. If the opponent special summons a monster within 3 turns of when this card was sent to the GY, you can special summon this monster onto your field. Synchro monsters cannot attack this monster.


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OK, you're new here. So don't know if someone's told you this yet, but cards with Types that don't exist in game belong in the Experimental section. And you don't need to create a new thread for every single card. You can just make one post with all of them, though if there are a lot you might want to split it at the 10-15 mark or so.

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