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Profile Background Image


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I was wondering if there could be the possibility of having a feature to freely assign background images to our profiles, or to create a method to earn them. I don't remember the details, but a friend explained to me once  that in the old times there was a point system that'd let you have this, along other stuff such as your glowing name. Considering the current state of the site, I'm not sure if a Point System is viable, but I feel it'd be interesting if such system returned, and if that's a no, something else would be nice. I've been wanting to have a background image since day 1, so I hope something can be done about this, thanks (n.n)


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Reading this gave me a funny idea. Since this is a YGO themed site. Having a LP system in place would be kinda neat. So the idea is you begin with 8000 (just like in the game) and warnings inflict damage. When the user reaches 0, the system automatically bans them for an hour or something. But yeah, the third ban would likely be a whole day.

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But I don't think there's too much... negative  posts that can cause you to get warnings and stuff. I dunno, sounds weird, but funny. I'd rather have a positive system that rewards you instead of thinking of punishing stuff, haha. Anyway, your thoughts on background images?

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2 minutes ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

@The Nyx Avatardo you think you could so something about this?

The points system no. That's something we'd have to take up with YCMaker. I talked to him about it back in May, but he was reluctant of having it on this platform again, fearing abuse.

I did add an image to your profile, though. Just to see if I could at least do that. Does it register on your profile?

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3 minutes ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

The points system no. That's something we'd have to take up with YCMaker. I talked to him about it back in May, but he was reluctant of having it on this platform again, fearing abuse.

I did add an image to your profile, though. Just to see if I could at least do that. Does it register on your profile?

wow, yeah, it worked! Can I request a certain pic for my profile, then?

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