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Mass Member Tribute

The Dark Master

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i think you should do a mass tribute for members yusei and slamfist plus deimensionlord and b7hamma and crab helmet because there good at making cards of any sort and making cool decks and really helping others if you agree with me on that.

First of all:

Please order the names and thank you for giving the idea (you get tribute too). It'll be much easier then looking at them in a paragraph.


We're trying to do unrecognized members first who don't have a tribute. I'll do one, when I can for dimension lord and other members but members like crab helmet already have been recognized (or should've:P) and if not tell us and we'll do one for him.



67 posts left. Getting close.

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[align=center]In my search to find myself...I was thinking...


There are many members out there who do alot for the forum...


And they aren't recognized [such as Bloodrun' date= whom we haven't seen in a while but just started showing up again...and many others]...


I feel that as sad...and somewhat mean...


So I decided that as of today, I'm going to start making tribute cards for those members...And I'll need help


Because there are so many of those members [and even those who recieve tributes should be added to this]...


I hope more people will understand this and help with my efforts in card creating for these members deserve a tribute.


If you see a member who needs a tribute, make a card for him / her and tell me about it. Even post it, I'd add it to my REALISTIC tribute...


I will start posting my tribute cards I've made shortly, It's taking a while to load...


The Mass Member Tribute has begun...





I just finished my first tribute card.


This one is for Legendary Moderator, whom I haven't seen in forever.


The card symbolizes many things. How you have to tribute a light monster shows how he gave up his own time to others. How it can't be destroyed by dark monsters shows that he is untouched by darkness.


here it is





Another card dedicated to God Splice. A good guy whom I actually haven't met. How it is summoned by tributing 2 dark and 1 light shows that he rids the evil, and sacrafices himself for it. How he is unable to be destroyed by dark and light monsters show that he is put on a goal, and doesn't leave it, no matter who tries to guide him off course.


here it is





I have also made a tribute for Bloodrun, one of the coolest guys on this site. It shows that he is a destroyer of darkness by discarding dark cards from your opponents hand. Also how it destroys a card on the field also adds on to this.


well, here this one is






The next tribute card is dedicated to Haruno Sakura, who I have seen do many good things for this forum. I believe that after some of my previous examples, you can figure out what the effect symbolizes.


Here it is




Tribute card to Simplicity Ninja [sorry if I misspell on card or on this]. I believe you understand the effect.




God Hunter, I feel your more like a pyro type, so I made you a pyro card.


here it is




San-Meti 13, thanks for all the help! You've contributed a bundle to this forum!!!


here is your card




ChronosCrowler, sorry if I misspell your name, and that I haven't gotten to know you yet...


here is your card




for cyber commander...whom I miss dearly...




for anchor remix




for ~Raven~




For dark shini...whom I haven't met, and hope to meet soon...




For YankeeFan, I'm sure you have forgotten me, but I will always remember you as my tutor and teacher...also as a friend...so I give one of my best cards to you...




For the virus...I couldn't think of any monster, and therefore I create a most powerful trap for you...It shows how you protect others, and use any enemies evil against them to power up the target...




For instinctmeister...whom I haven't seen in forever...You will always be my friend...




For Kobekid, I see you around a lot...good luck to you!!




For...chaos impact...




For Dark Kale...you truly deserve this ^^...




For Cyber Dragon Fusion...




For Apocolypse




This card is for atomix [pls don't cry]




For God Moderater...Sorry I forgot about you, I hope you like your card with the best image I could find...




For Rain Kurosu...I predict a lot of potential in your future...




For Alvarosv...You've been a great help ^^




For Wilson91




For Elsandero...I know you are starting to turn away from the forums, but you deserve this...




[image found athttp://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.downloadmunkey.net/images/card24.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.downloadmunkey.net/2007/06/favourite-illustrators-of-warhammer-40000-v-john-gravato/&h=319&w=350&sz=89&hl=en&start=2&sig2=fM03TlYQlPVlR9cQazDYMg&tbnid=NwPn2ZVKTZUJBM:&tbnh=109&tbnw=120&ei=s4onSLXEKJ-OedmwrM0L&prev=/images%3Fq%3Ddark%2Breaper%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den]


For Darth Browarod...took me forever to find a good image for you. Hope you like it...




Yet a great person who I don't believe that anyone has recognized, and everyone defiantly should. Yes the ultimate...YCMaker!!!





Some people have offered to help me in the Mass Member Tribute. One of these people made a card, and I will honor him by posting it.


This member is Alvarosv...He made this card for Aelsthla-Mental




He also made another card [and maybe some more later]




yet another card by him










A card by Apocolypse...





I was greatly touched when Rain Kurosu made a tribute for me [check his post]. Here are his [he's a new member, and look how awesome these cards are!]




And another card by Rain Kurosu




Card by Dark Edo Phoenix






Disclaimer: I do not own these images, they are by [unknown]. I only use them to increase the quality of my work.

Please do me.

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