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Speaking of Dragons...

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Monsters: 20


Level 5 and above: 9

3x Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

3x Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

3x Dark Horus


Level 4 and below: 11

3x Infernal Dragon

3x Masked Dragon

3x Exploder Dragon

1x Snipe Hunter

1x Sangan


Spells: 13

3x Card of Safe Return

3x Trade-In

2x Dragon's Mirror

2x Allure of Darkness

1x Future Fusion

1x Heavy Storm

1x Monster Reborn


Traps: 7

3x Solemn Judgment

2x Escape from the Dark Dimension

1x Return from the Different Dimension

1x Mirror Force

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Hmmm. So you're trying Van'Dalgyon in it?


I always wanted to try to do so since he is a dark dragon. But the fact you need counter traps for best results for it was always a hassle to me in Redrum decks, so I didn't use him.


No Prem, no DDR and no Arms Hole makes me cry though. With Dimension Fusion banned, and Allure at two, I now(in my deck at least) have an excuse to run DDR.


Just a thought.

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Guest Chaos Pudding

Hmmm. So you're trying Van'Dalgyon in it?


I always wanted to try to do so since he is a dark dragon. But the fact you need counter traps for best results for it was always a hassle to me in Redrum decks' date=' so I didn't use him.


No Prem, no DDR and no Arms Hole makes me cry though. With Dimension Fusion banned, and Allure at two, I now(in my deck at least) have an excuse to run DDR.


Just a thought.



I just don't know what to drop for Arms Hole, Prem and DDR. Not to mention that I want to fit in 3 Dark Bribes, too.

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