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I made some Buster Blader cards


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Hello, fine person!  This looks like a solid mix of cards!

Some of these are definitely what Buster Blader/Destruction Sword needs.  I particularly like the new BB since it really fixes the issue of, you know, actually getting a Buster Blader on the field.  The baby whelp is pretty nice too: protection and recycling as long as you can keep a BB on the field.  The Synchro might actually be a bit underpowered, but it fills in a missing niche while also being a solid beater.  Overall, I like the balance of these three.  The other ones are good and have nice flavor, but they've each got a couple balancing issues.

The Fusion is really good all around, but there's 1 part that makes it broken: that last effect.  If you use the Fusion as Link material, it can come back for free and you can do that an unlimited number of times per turn.  Giving it a hard once per turn or changing it so that it only summons "Buster Blader" specifically (and not "Buster Blader monsters") would fix that concern.

Like the Synchro, the counter trap is kinda underpowered.  Getting both isn't too hard with the right hand, but it is not a sure thing, especially if the opponent is running things that can interrupt your plays.  Going first, and getting the right hand, it could be pretty decent.  If I were to suggest something though, it would be to give the card a graveyard effect so that it matches all the other "Destruction Sword" spell/traps.  It could increase its utility while also staying in theme!

Now, the last spell is a bit too OP.  It is conditional since it needs BB, but if you resolve it, you can equip it with your Peaceful Whelp which can recycle the spell an additional time.  Once it gets resolved a second time, you'd have a BB equipped with 3 cards (probably dragon buster, wizard buster, and another peaceful whelp) making it extremely difficult to remove.  For this one, it might be best to change its name so it is not a Destruction Sword card.  That way, you don't have to add a graveyard effect and you can't just recycle it super easily.  It will still be a power play, but not as much as it is right now.

Overall, I do enjoy these and I think they're very helpful for strengthening BB/Destruction Sword.  Can't wait to see what else you make!


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Thanks I really appreciate those comments and feedback!

I couldn't agree more that there needs to be an easier way to get a Buster Blader monster on the field, than the typically way of Buster Dragon or Buster Whelp. 

That last effect on the fusion was a last second thing and I didn't even think about summoning itself honestly haha. I was only thinking of getting out the other fusion the "Destroyer Swordsman". I think I will just add "except BB the Guardian", then there's no way of summoning it back with its effect. Also it didn't dawn on me to add in there the "once per turn" effect. Those will definitely will get added!

Again with the spell I will add "once per turn". I don't think I can bear it not making it a Destruction Sword though lol. I really like the idea of allowing all of the spell/traps being able to be searched by Whelp, cause not every time do we need to search for Prologue. That is, if you have it in your opening hand. If you don't you better search it lol.

I don't think I can call myself a BB player anymore... I completely forgot all of the DS spell/trap cards have GY effects! 🤦‍♂️ Both the spell and trap will get a GY effect.

I hope to get some more posted soon and I look forward to hearing what you think on those too!



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3 hours ago, BusterJake said:

I hope to get some more posted soon and I look forward to hearing what you think on those too!



A bit friendly note that your cards kinda "overqualified" for this section since it lacks the experimental part on them (designs that not yet exist/extremely rarely used in the game) i recommend for the next post/update on casual/advance card section which also happen to have more potential views

That being said congrast on your first post!

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