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Christmas Event - Development Thread


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As far as Petit Dragon, the extra +1 to movement sounds great, but it means the poor thing basically has to do pathfinding, moving through the labyrinth before everyone else to use its skill effectively, when its stats make running into an unexpected strong enemy potentially disastrous (given that enemies can apparently do 25 damage at a swing). Add that onto my infamously poor luck (my one and only Emerald Nuzlocke ended when, despite all my careful planning and analysis, I got swept by Sheer Cold from Glacia, five consecutive turns in a row; my attempts to use the Brilliant Fusion engine resulted in Garnet being glued to my hand literally every time, including all three copies during both Duels I tried to account for my bad luck; I've managed to play some RPGs from back to front without scoring a single crit; in the 15+ years I've played Mario Party 5, I have never once gotten a single coin from Vicious Vending . . .) meaning that my rolls will most likely be 100% pathetic in this event, I'm out to succeed through the power of not dying. 


9 on Violet, 12 and 33 on Red. (The guess you just processed was from yesterday).

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Alright, @Nobody Really, Opened your requests. You obtained your first Item, Mining Tools! Hey, why don't you tell everyone your Character prospect? You should do before somebody else takes it.

@Draconus297 Damn, man, my condolences for that obnoxious RNG. What's funny is, you got your second Shield! I should mention that you can carry up to 3 of the Sword and Shield Items, and concentrating 2 points of additional defense is quite the starting boon. If you're set on Skull Servant, be my guest, but after this development you might want to rethink stuff.

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3 minutes ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Which grid(s) am I allowed to guess on, and how many guesses?

To guess on? You mean your free reveals, right? Because in essence you can guess freely. Reveals would be 1 in purple and 2 in either Cyan or Red since they have been solved already n.n

4 minutes ago, Sleepy said:

Let us have a guess time:
Is the last one the "Golden Castle of Stromberg"?

Sorry, but nope nop xD

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With a bit more bulk, Gigobyte's 10 ATK becomes safer to use, or I could intentionally lag behind using Potato & Chips to let everyone else fight enemies, or even be a bulky spotlight as Digitron . . . but I don't trust my rolls to be a wayfinder like Petit Dragon, and playing risky with Key Mace and Smoke Ball isn't exactly my style. 

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5 minutes ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Then 23 in the purple grid, and 6 and 28 in the cyan grid.

Done, and you got your first item, a Key!

3 minutes ago, Draconus297 said:

With a bit more bulk, Gigobyte's 10 ATK becomes safer to use, or I could intentionally lag behind using Potato & Chips to let everyone else fight enemies, or even be a bulky spotlight as Digitron . . . but I don't trust my rolls to be a wayfinder like Petit Dragon, and playing risky with Key Mace and Smoke Ball isn't exactly my style. 

I like how you're really analyzing carefully your choice 🙂 Looks like right now it's undecided.


A pause to list current Item Holding

@Mr MelonSword // Mining Tools

@Draconus297 Shield // Shield

@Sleepy Sword // Shield // Key // Key <--- how the hell did she get so many? O_o

@Nobody Really Mining Tools

@The Nyx Avatar Key


Let me know your thoughts on the Characters, be sure to think and choose the right one!

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5 minutes ago, Draconus297 said:

Thinking is what I do, Señor.

Hombre precavido vale por dos

4 minutes ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

Yay! First item!

But...what do I do in regards to the monsters?

In Phase 3, we'll hold a simplified mini version of D&D. You'll be braving a dungeon full of perils. The items will be used there, and you should choose a Character based on what you consider it's good stuff for your playstyle or simply send stuff to hell and choose the one you like the most xD


EDIT: Yep, pretty much what Draco said n.n

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4 minutes ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

Hombre precavido vale por dos

In Phase 3, we'll hold a simplified mini version of D&D. You'll be braving a dungeon full of perils. The items will be used there, and you should choose a Character based on what you consider it's good stuff for your playstyle or simply send stuff to hell and choose the one you like the most xD


EDIT: Yep, pretty much what Draco said n.n


5 minutes ago, Draconus297 said:

Pick who your avatar will be during some sort of labyrinth challenge. 

So do I pick it now?

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1 minute ago, The Nyx Avatar said:


So do I pick it now?

If you wish. I mean, if you choose now, you're kinda reserving that character for yourself. Of course, it's not like you guys can't reach an agreement if more than 1 people wanted the same character, etc. But you're not obliged to do so now, you can think carefully which one, like Draco is doing.

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2 minutes ago, Rayfield Lumina said:

If you wish. I mean, if you choose now, you're kinda reserving that character for yourself. Of course, it's not like you guys can't reach an agreement if more than 1 people wanted the same character, etc. But you're not obliged to do so now, you can think carefully which one, like Draco is doing.

I will go with Wretched Ghost of the Attic. I love that little bastard.

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1 minute ago, The Nyx Avatar said:

I will go with Wretched Ghost of the Attic. I love that little bastard.

Cool! The Wretched-Ghost-of-The-Attic-That-Is-Not-An-Actual-Kuriboh-But-It-Is is a tricky character to use, but with luck, it can be quite the nasty fellow xD

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Wretched Ghost is the lucky luck boi of the set. The fact that direct damage Traps will be involved makes me a bit uncomfortable for survivability chances for anyone except Skull Servant and Weather Control if there's too many of them, or if they act like older D&D's infamous rockfall traps which basically instantly kill you, but if this game will be balanced in the slightest then I'm a bit more flexible. 

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7 minutes ago, Draconus297 said:

Wretched Ghost is the lucky luck boi of the set. The fact that direct damage Traps will be involved makes me a bit uncomfortable for survivability chances for anyone except Skull Servant and Weather Control if there's too many of them, or if they act like older D&D's infamous rockfall traps which basically instantly kill you, but if this game will be balanced in the slightest then I'm a bit more flexible. 

There's nothing like insta-kill here. The plan is to have 2 kinds of traps, one where you simply get screwed by luck for falling in it and lose, say, 5-15 HP, and Action Traps where I propose you a situation and you gotta find the solution out. Don't count on the second, I'm still finishing other stuff and there's little time left, but if possible, I want to add those as well.

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45 minutes ago, Sleepy said:

umm well.... might as well state y preference:
I'm tempted to pick Cloudian Smokeball. 
Mmmmaybe also considering Key Mace but really would need to see more or less the map to see what we have more of (locked doors or cracked walls)

I'd say you'll have the chance to see the map before choosing for good, don't worry

5 minutes ago, Draconus297 said:

All this and I didn't consider a simple funking color inversion. Is the violet puzzle Dark City?

It wasn't just a simple f***ing color inversion, it's also flipped horizontally and has another filter named "Color Halftone"...

But YEAH, it's Dark City, got it at last, Draconus. Didn't you said you sucked at visuals? 200 points for ya!

Also, thanks, dude, now I feel more pressure than ever in finishing the Phase 3 xD


⚠️ Thanks a lot for your participation so far, guys, with this last correct guess, Phase 2 Round 3 has been solved! Just gimme some time while I finish Phase 3. For tomorrow, you can ask for 3 reveals, in whichever Puzzle you'd like. This will be only for Item hunting. Phase 3 will be ready before the whole puzzles are revealed, I hope, but even if we start Phase 3, you'll be able to keep revealing over there until all items have been dug up. 

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I feel kinda morally obligated to reserve Gigobyte as my character xD

That's fine though, haven't actually done any real rp's as a meathead attacker type.  It should be fun for a short event.


I'll reserve blocks 3, 15, and 23 on Cyan as my daily picks for tomorrow.

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14 hours ago, Draconus297 said:

Revealing the moon as a dark purple spot was what did it, actually. I was trying to think of what card arts had a random black or purple circle in them, before realizing that dark purple, when color inverted, becomes that ugly piss yellow moon on Dark City. 

Yeah, I knew the Moon was a giveaway, that's why I tried to hide part of it with an Item xD

13 hours ago, Draconus297 said:

In the morning, I wish to clear 3, 15, and 27 on the red puzzle. 

Done. Bad luck this time, you didn't hit anything xD

12 hours ago, Mr Melon said:

I feel kinda morally obligated to reserve Gigobyte as my character xD

That's fine though, haven't actually done any real rp's as a meathead attacker type.  It should be fun for a short event.


I'll reserve blocks 3, 15, and 23 on Cyan as my daily picks for tomorrow.

Morally obligated, lol. But yeah, given your current Profile Pic xD...

I dunno why, but I had the feeling you'd go for Potato & Chips or Cloudian. Was I too off mark?

Congratulations, you hit 2 Items, Mist Sphere and another freaking Sword! You're now a violent Two-Sword-Wielding Melon!!


➡️ In regards of the Items, yesterday I had a couple of ideas and decided to include two new kinds of items in the puzzles. I did so before going to sleep yesterday, so don't worry, they were allocated before I read Draco's and Melon's reveals (n.n). Draco got royally screwed thanks to his fabled luck and Melon got super lucky. Pretty normal, if you ask me xD

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