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The Save YCM Organization


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As some of you may know, YCM will have a downfall somewhere in the future. I have made this organization to stall that process in the time. The people here must be concerned in some kind of way. If you decide to leave please PM me and make a post here announcing it.

To sign up copy and paste this code with your info.

Concern Lv.: (ex. Great, Low, Very Low, ect.)
Help Lv.: (ex. Great, Very Great, Low, Very Low, ect.)

Your concern and help lv. will turn out to be your rank. If you have the feeling to say that your concern and/or help lv. have gone up please PM me and be honest.



D-Vader Lv. avatar_24796.jpgGreat

Dark Sanji avatar_6049.gifBetween great and medium

OCG King 34oempd.png Great

Atomix Avi1.png Between great and very great,

~Raven~ 11825184711163751046ce04.jpg Very Good

SOS Harhuhi 25pgyrm.jpgVery Great

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1. What will we do??

2. What's happening to YCM that is so bad??

3. What is the point?? Mod's will sort out the problem's by them self's, cas we don't even know how to help.

4. We can't stop rules being broken by other member's, that would be mini-modding.


So unless i get a mod tell me what's going on, i don't realy think it's a sencible idea!! I'd rather not be banned for mini-moddin'!!

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