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New win condition


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It is difficult lol. I cant even imagine how you trigger the wincon of this

On the otherhand its on-summon effect interest me: i think you miss-wording it. Since there no end goal of which player hand that the number of cards of the other should equalize. Potential supporting un-sportmanship behavior of trying to draw/dumping as many as they could for their own respective card advantage

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Basically you can't normal summon or set this monster. you can only special summon it from the hand if you and your opponent have an equal number of cards in your respective decks at that point in time. While this card is on the field, (I intended for it to be activated during the standby phase.) the turn player must draw cards if the opponent's hand has more cards than yours or discard cards if the opponent's hand has less cards than yours until you have the same number of cards. While this card is in the graveyard, if your deck and banished zone have an equal number of cards you win the duel. Now I'll have to errata it again. 

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I think 'brand just means that you should post the effect text underneath the card's picture.  It's common etiquette and it makes it easier to read for those on mobile.

As for the card, it's... something.  I would imagine that its best use would be as a relatively easy-to-summon turn 2 beater that can draw you cards rather than going for the win condition.  It also has some silly applications alongside Fabled Unicore because of how it auto-evens the hand sizes.

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Cannot be normal summoned or set. Can only be special summoned from the hand if both players' decks have an equal number of cards. While this card is on the field, during each player's MP1 the turn player must draw/discard cards until their hand is equal to the opponent's. While this card is in your GY, if your deck and banished zone have an equal number of cards, you win the duel.

createcard (3).jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/25/2020 at 10:53 AM, Mr Melon said:

I think 'brand just means that you should post the effect text underneath the card's picture.  It's common etiquette and it makes it easier to read for those on mobile.

As for the card, it's... something.  I would imagine that its best use would be as a relatively easy-to-summon turn 2 beater that can draw you cards rather than going for the win condition.  It also has some silly applications alongside Fabled Unicore because of how it auto-evens the hand sizes.

Well, I can read the card fine but I understand this because some cards qualify as a college english assignment. The amount of text on some cards is crazy. Almost like somebody tried to fit the entire dictionary into the smallest space imaginable.


But yeah, the card is interesting to say the least. That being said, this thing is a free beat stick on turn 0.

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