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Thunder of Serpentine Contest [Da-da-da-da-Done. Baaaadddd to the bone.]

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In this contest, I would like each entrant to make 11 cards. That's it. Simple. Right? Wrong. Here are my stipulations:



1. Artwork must be nothing short of incredible.

2. Must have perfect grammar and spelling. If it does not, the card will be removed from the running.

3. The card must be worded like an actual card would be worded.

4. Each card must have the same set ID: [TOSE-EN###], which stands for Thunder of Serpentine.

A. Monsters' set IDs will end in 001-035

B. Spells' set IDs will end in 036-050

C. Traps' set IDs will end in 051-060

5. 6 cards must be monsters, 3 spells, and 1 trap. Only 10 cards you say? Quite right. The additional card will be a limited edition Promotional card, and the set ID for this card will end in 061-065.

6. You may have 1 Ultra Rare card, 2 Super Rare cards, 3 Rares, 4 Commons, and the Promo card must be Secret Rare.

7. Each card must be 1st Edition, except for the promos, which should be Limited Edition.



1. If the monster has an effect, it must be worded as if it were a real card.

2. If it does not have an effect, it must contain a lore.

3. Must be as balanced as possible.


Of the entries, there will only be one victor. However, I will use the 60 best cards in an upcoming set entitled: Thunder of Serpentine. If I PM you to change your card's set ID number, please do so. The set will be released on this site, as well as on the EROD.


The victor of this contest will be the proud recipient of 3 reputation points and points subtracted to the hundred.



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