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Election Thread

Ryusei the Morning Star

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Guys, I'm starting to think the certifications may actually be legitimate and that Biden truly did beat Trump.

On 11/14/2020 at 8:20 AM, vla1ne said:

side note @roxas, the affidavits that remain are still leagues stronger, unless of course you missed the ones where people were opening ballots and sending them back early? or missed the ones where they send in physical and video evidence of observer discrimination? or sworn testimonies? that tweet you put up was an idiot who didn't realize several tweets were trump haters trolling. the actual number touted is over 1000, i lowball it in consideration of the trolls, i know about that already, which is why a made sure not to haul up the full number. and we still have over 10k dead people, and the entire debacle of maidengate, on top of voters who are certified for federal elections, but may well not be citizens in arizona. stop using false equivications to undermine legit arguments. several are off, and those are the ones who pull out. others have brought literal proof to their cases, such as the one i posted in my last few comments.


"For example, Ramsland references a “regression analysis” used to “develop a model/equation to predict in any county what percentage of vote could reasonably be expected to go to candidate Biden,” noting that the model does a “good job” predicting Biden’s percentage of votes in “most counties.” Ramsland Decl. at ⁋ 8. But Ramsland fails to describe that “regression analysis,” or the “model/equation” developed from it. He is remarkably silent as to the inputs for the regression analysis, the method itself, any assumptions, the predictive findings, and the error rate. He claims that the undescribed model does a “good job” predicting Biden’s percentage of votes in “most counties,” but nothing more is provide: How accurate is a “good job”? How many counties is “most counties”? This isn’t even close to an appropriate or reliable statistical analysis."

"Finally, Briggs’ report is not relevant to the question presented to the Court. Setting aside the problems with the data, Briggs does not opine regarding the exact nature of the “errors” or how any error would or even could have impacted the outcome of the election. Plaintiffs claim that “[t]ens of thousands of votes counted toward Vice President Biden’s final tally were the product of illegality, and physical and computer-based fraud leading to ‘outright ballot stuffing.’” Pl.’s Mot. for TRO, ECF No. 6, at 1. Briggs’ report, however, does not speak to these issues and is therefore not helpful to the Court. The report should be disregarded on this ground as well. See Fed. R. Evid. 702(a)."

"On December 1, Plaintiffs belatedly filed a declaration from Ronald Watkins. Watkins is a “network and information defense analyst and a network security engineer” with nine years of experience. Declaration of Ronald Watkins (“Watkins Decl.”) ECF No. 31-1, at ⁋ 5. He was the administrator of 8chan, an anonymous online forum, and administered its successor forum, 8kun. Chris Francescani, The men behind QAnon (Sept. 22,2020), ABC NEWS, https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/men-qanon/story?id=73046374. Watkins seeks to provide testimony to “alert the public and let the world know the truth about actual voting tabulation software designed . . . to facilitate digital ballot stuffing.” Watkins Decl. at ⁋ 4. While the declaration is not labeled as an expert report (though Watkins claims he is an expert) and it is missing key components of an expert report (for example, Watkins’ CV), to the extent Plaintiffs seek to offer Watkins as an expert in support of their motion, it should be excluded."

"Plaintiffs present no evidence that Watkins is qualified to offer any opinion regarding election software. Watkins’ stated experience—as a “network and information defense analyst and a network security engineer”—does not qualify him to offer testimony regarding purported vulnerabilities in voting systems. See id. at 5. Moreover, it is not clear whether Watkins has ever used or even examined the software at issue or whether he has any experience in election administration. Second, Watkins’ opinions are not helpful. His declaration appears to consist entirely of unsupported speculation regarding purported vulnerabilities in election software based on a review of publicly available documents including user manuals. See, e.g., id. at ⁋⁋ 6-13. If it wishes, the Court can review these public documents itself; Watkins’ speculation is not helpful. Such testimony should be disregarded."

Wait, I'm sorry, did I read that correctly?

"He was the administrator of 8chan, an anonymous online forum, and administered its successor forum, 8kun."


One of these "sources" is literally an 8chan admin? Listen, vla1ne, I get that you have a soft spot for the channers, but these "affidavits" are little more than speculation from people who cite experiences that are, at best, tangentially related, and at worst, are about as useful as if you or I passed off our ability to post on this very forum as if that gave us expert knowledge of voting systems, and how they might have been rigged in Biden's favor. Simply because the possibility exists does not mean the same thing as it having actually happened. Claiming that Biden's votes are statistically unnatural, but then failing to provide a formal statistical model, let alone a demonstration of how Biden supposedly violated that model, is a desperate lie.

I would hardly call any of that "legitimate arguments" or "literal proof". All this amounts to is people speaking in support of a belief that you share, and you are taking their word as gospel. Not because of the actual merits of their claims, but simply because you already agree with what they are claiming. They are telling you what you want to hear; nothing more, nothing less.

Even calling this confirmation bias feels far too generous for how easily you bought all this.

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5 tweets down he states his source and then says he is contacting them for evidence, that's 3 hours ago and it hasn't emerged

it's just a fresh straw

mad how anything that supports your notions is just instantly accepted yet you remain infinitely skeptical of the pre-election poll leader winning said election, a fortnight after the results confirmed a 5 million vote margin of victory 

fair play

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1 minute ago, Enguin said:

5 tweets down he states his source and then says he is contacting them for evidence, that's 3 hours ago and it hasn't emerged

it's just a fresh straw


The mistake you make is that you have forgotten that a georgia senator has also affirmed as much, a day before in fact. and we have evidence from several ballot counts and witness affidavits backing this as well, that came out well before the recounts and minor audits discovered as much. hell, we even found flips in a sample size of 100, that's a statistical improbability.

But relax, game's not over yet. i understand you won't sweat in your boots till things start flipping.

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i genuinely don't give a shit i think it would be absolutely hilarious if it did turn out joe had somehow fixed it and trump won, it's just extraordinarily unlikely and you have since day 1 been acting as though it's inevitable and i have to commend such commitment to the dream

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Genuine insanity. Looking forward to the new goalposts after the electoral college votes. Even now you're still trying to pretend that it will flip eventually.


What is happening is that Trump really did lose, and Republicans want to make an exception for him. Kind of makes it clear that the issue isn't about fraud, it's overturning legitimate results. People are just crying fraud to make it seem like this is the "rational" response, and not the last desperate act of sore losers.

We're probably going to make it to a month after inauguration day, and vla1ne will still be telling us to just wait a bit longer, it's only a matter of time before the flips kick in.

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4 hours ago, Enguin said:

i genuinely don't give a shit i think it would be absolutely hilarious if it did turn out joe had somehow fixed it and trump won, it's just extraordinarily unlikely and you have since day 1 been acting as though it's inevitable and i have to commend such commitment to the dream

see I'd say this sounds pretty neutral but we all know horu is the true neutral party so idk what to make of this

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2 minutes ago, God Emperor Cow said:

see I'd say this sounds pretty neutral but we all know horu is the true neutral party so idk what to make of this

Sorry Cow. I stepped out of the debate for good reason. Have been checking in from time to time. But I'd say rigging an election for your opponent to win is something I just don't feel that Biden has the mental capacity to do. So that would be reaching to a very extreme level even as a conspiracy theory.

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1 minute ago, Horu Ishayuki said:

Sorry Cow. I stepped out of the debate for good reason. Have been checking in from time to time. But I'd say rigging an election for your opponent to win is something I just don't feel that Biden has the mental capacity to do. So that would be reaching to a very extreme level even as a conspiracy theory.

If he rigged the election for his opponent to win, trump would have won, what are you on about

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7 minutes ago, (GigaDrillBreaker) said:

If he rigged the election for his opponent to win, trump would have won, what are you on about

The man barely has the mental capacity to handle a debate and deliver a pre-written speech. Do you really think he has the mental capacity to rig an entire election for Trump to win?

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Just now, Horu Ishayuki said:

The man barely has the mental capacity to handle a debate and deliver a pre-written speech. Do you really think he has the mental capacity to rig an entire election for Trump to win?

I mean he had the mental capacity to win by about five million votes.

Not to mention the I think he well outperformed trump in the debates.

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2 hours ago, Horu Ishayuki said:

Sorry Cow. I stepped out of the debate for good reason. Have been checking in from time to time. But I'd say rigging an election for your opponent to win is something I just don't feel that Biden has the mental capacity to do. So that would be reaching to a very extreme level even as a conspiracy theory.

Yes, you stepped out of the debate, which is why you keep checking in to tell us just how much you stepped out of the debate and anyway here's something more to say about Biden, just wanted to be sure the contribution to the debate was acknowledged.

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18 hours ago, Phantom Roxas said:

Yes, you stepped out of the debate, which is why you keep checking in to tell us just how much you stepped out of the debate and anyway here's something more to say about Biden, just wanted to be sure the contribution to the debate was acknowledged.

I said I would check in from time to time. Besides, nothing wrong with me pointing out flaws in conspiracy theories that I somehow doubt could be true.

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I guess I'm blackpilled. I spend most of my residence either in Iowa (where I voted this election) and FL (where I voted in 2018).

I got enough of my friends in Miami to vote for the president and register as republicans, and in the end both my congressional districts and states went solidly for the president

Not sure what more I can do. There was obviously VMB chicanery with low rejection rates. Enough of the country will go to their deaths thinking Biden is illegitimate. If we overturn the bullshit results, great. If not, we'll  have to settle for using the courts and special consuls and senate to make Biden's life a living worthless nightmare like he did to President Trump

2024, we don't unilaterally disarm and take it back in the worst case

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I refuse to vote because I want to reserve my right to bitch.

Republicans can't bitch because they "lost" the election.

Democrats can't bitch because they're the idiots that put Biden in office.

So I get to bitch and all the republicans agree with me while the democrats have to suck it up whenever their guy fucks up.

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