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Election Thread

Ryusei the Morning Star

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6 minutes ago, Horu Ishayuki said:

Yes. I do understand that each person counts as a vote (if they vote). That's kinda how it works. The reason I chose those areas was to show places obvious preferred Biden. Had even 1 of those places favored Trump, it would be a different story. Hell, If Trump would've gotten Detroit, he would've won Michigan. But It is still the point that while most of the state favored Trump, Biden was still able to get just enough of the population to vote for him to gain that small lead. I can't call Michigan out on fraud because the number of votes actually falls well below the population of those areas. That's why I mentioned that only those areas.

no, you can't call it out on fraud because your basis for any such claim is just your own speculation based on strange maths you've made up

you are just saying things as if they're logical and correct when they are neither and you don't explain at all why it should be even subject to speculation 

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8 minutes ago, Ryusei the Morning Star said:


so what this means is votes that weren't counted due to the potential of a ruling such as this now won't be counted, and the result is entirely unaffected 

from the way it's framed by the tweet you'd think it was a trump success

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Now that is a dirty tactic for sure.


Also, the math I used was based on the entire population voting and not the percentage. Also, you can use that same math to note that assuming the entire population of the areas I pointed out voted Biden, Trump is asking us to ignore those votes and then whatever small percentage Biden was able to gain around the state. The math I gave comes just short of the 1.2 million votes that were supposedly fraud.

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10 minutes ago, Enguin said:

what is? 

if you have not read the article, do, the tweet does not give you anywhere near enough information to make any comment 

Dirty tactics on part of the judge to try changing the deadline but the ruling was overturned by supreme court so it's just a matter of what the final tally is now that the recount has started.

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17 minutes ago, Enguin said:

so what this means is votes that weren't counted due to the potential of a ruling such as this now won't be counted, and the result is entirely unaffected 

from the way it's framed by the tweet you'd think it was a trump success

Depends if they mixed the ballots 🙂

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19 minutes ago, Horu Ishayuki said:

Dirty tactics on part of the judge to try changing the deadline but the ruling was overturned by supreme court so it's just a matter of what the final tally is now that the recount has started.

"State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification. After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day."

what about provisionally extending the deadline for id verification on votes submitted up to 3 days later than the usual deadline is a dirty tactic? you have said it is without explaining how

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24 minutes ago, Ryusei the Morning Star said:

No not those, I'll look for it. Val1ne posted about it iirc

When you find it, compare it to the sources I provided, and look into additional sources to see if people have verified or refuted this. vla1ne's rhetoric so far has been to cite a handful of YouTubers, dismiss any articles that refutes his claims, and when he explains why he's dismissing them, he invents lies wholecloth, and pretends that his lies somehow demonstrate that the sources that had refuted his claims have actually lied instead. When called on those lies, he ignores it entirely, and simply doubles down on his initial claim, then tries to deflect onto other people by bringing up entirely unrelated events. vla1ne has made it clear that he's more interested in getting gotcha points to the point that he's joked about masturbating over the outcome of these frivolous lawsuits.

I never expect vla1ne to approach these threads in good faith, so I'm asking you to verify his claim independently.

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1 hour ago, Enguin said:

"State law said that voters have until six days after the election — this year that was Nov. 9 — to cure problems regarding a lack of proof of identification. After the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in ballots could be accepted three days after Election Day, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar submitted guidance that said proof of identification could be provided up until Nov. 12, which is six days from the ballot acceptance deadline. That guidance was issued two days before Election Day."

what about provisionally extending the deadline for id verification on votes submitted up to 3 days later than the usual deadline is a dirty tactic? you have said it is without explaining how

I was talking about the judge changing the deadline to 2 days before election day. Or at least trying to. But I noted that the supreme court overturned the ruling if you weren't paying attention. Nothing about what the supreme court doing what they are supposed to do is dirty. The ruling that they overturned was the dirty tactic. But they caught it and put a stop to it.

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3 hours ago, Phantom Roxas said:

vla1ne has made it clear that he's more interested in getting gotcha points to the point that he's joked about masturbating over the outcome of these frivolous lawsuits.

Hey man don't kink-shame him. Therapist says that fetishes like this aren't harmful as long as they stay in fantasy.

Also, as for the morality of delaying election-related deadlines, I never really understood why some people are so against is, especially in an election like this that will obviously need more curing than the past. If the election is supposed to represent the truest will of the american people, shouldn't we want to accept as many votes as we possibly can?

I try not to make assumptions, but my best guess is that those who are against this sort of thing only are because they feel it would hurt the chances of their preferred candidate.

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ok, a bit too much to tackle it all one by one, So i'll make it general:

1) affidavits: there are over 500 affidavits, aka sworn testimonies, regarding the problems with the election. you folks seem to not understand what that means. so let me break it down to you. if you lie on an affidavit in court, you go to jail. there is a reason that they stressed that the blasey ford debacle was not a trial, it is because if it was, and kavanaugh had pressed it, she would be in jail right now. remember russia? they couldn't pin anything on trump or his team, yet they still put several of them away just for being off on their stories in court. these 500+ people? they are testifying on penalty of jail, and if the case loses, biden wins, he will have zero qualms about putting them away, they all still testified. this is why affidavits are powerful. do people lie under them? yes, but never (or extremely rarely) with this much risk involved. we even have dominion software developers ready to testify under oath. in short? this is what is known as probable cause. it is not absolute evidence, of course, but it is cause to look into the claims, because the people testifying have nothing to gain by lying their asses off in a court of law at the highest levels, especially if they know they are lying.

2) election handling: this one is especially silly to make arguments against. there is photographic AND video evidence that the republican observers were kept upwards of 10 feet away, unable to interact and kicked out at the drop of a hat, to cheers in some cases. some were kept out completely, and the only response is "covid limitations" yet the people being asked are the people who kicked them out or locked them out without explaining why. not a single person here can give any reason good enough to have people so far away that they literally have to use binoculars, yet that was the policy for a long while on election night. tell me, what can you read from 5 feet away, much less 10+ feet away? nothing. from 10 feet it's at BEST all fine print. on top of this, we have several state districts took the historic action of not reporting in for hours, unobserved and unreported. we got stories later that they were counting this or that, but refuse to allow audits, and in some cases directly counter suit the demands for recounts. we have seen several recounts turn over entire districts, and several recounts literally cause the lower republican candidates to actually win districts. i can't name a district yet, that has had a democrat benefiting from these recounts. Probable cause of fraud is clearly there, we have seen official after official try to minimize the issues of the voting systems, yet we see time and again that in all questioned states, there are issues found time and again.


3) Dead people. this one is honestly the smallest issue, but it really demands attention, as it is a result of these states not fixing their rolls and some of you having a hardon for my youtube videos. you can't debunk them, and that is that. you want more proof? There is a 5 minute video that you can put on slow motion, that shows him going through the voter rolls and showing that they not only applied, but were accepted as voters, one by one. in other words? at least 10k people voted. a 10k difference is a massive district swing, in the right state it could flip it  for trump at these margins. if not more when you count the current maidengate issues. At least 10k dead people voted. Unless they all have people who live at the same addresses and have the same names, there is no argument.


4) The largest one? Dominion software. There is a hacker that got his hands on the manual, and it has a function(s) that are literally purposed to change the outcome of elections, as explained by both the hacker AND the current whistle blowers from the "i was one of the programmers" side of whistleblowers. Then articles like the new york times, ask the people who are likely responsible, and act like them saying "nothing happened" is somehow perfectly ordinary. no. that doesn't fly. "we asked ourselves and said nothing's wrong" is not a legit dismissal of clear and documented issues.


5) the water main break, looked into it, they still have no invoice regarding a main break, and that implies they have yet to call anybody in to fix said leak, so either the leak wasn't major enough to call a handyman, or they just don't care about their facilities. as someone who works maintenance for a living, i can tell you now, that's highly unlikely. so i'm calling bullshit on the water main excuse unless somebody whips out the invoice of service.


6) the sheer number or districts that have gone red, and many other statistical anomalies, georgia ordered a full recount because the number of flaws is that massive, yet somehow everybody who should have been overseeing the night of the elections are saying "it's all good"? how does this fly? PA, and several other states that are currently in the balance, are actively resisting recounts, with their lawyers claiming the room is clean, but you can't see it. the whole point of probable cause is to establish that there is a good enough reason to look into something and FIND what may be there. several postal workers, dozens of voters, multiple people who worked on the software, and over a hundred counters from multiple districts, and folks are claiming no major election issues. the anomalies alone are probable cause, the whistleblowers, on both the election counting side, and the software side, push that all the way over the top.



In closing, you all seem to think this election won't swing, but there are hundreds, if not thousands of people with signed affidavits, ready to go to court under penalty of perjury who say otherwise. they run the gamut from the usps, to the election counters, to the software developers. you can sit tight waiting, and i happily admit it'll be a tough fight (and that the gateway pundit is a shitty news site), but it is a fact that there are more people willing to testify here, off their own free will, and under the very real threat of jailtime, that you cannot simply toss it on sight. every step forwards is a win, and trump has several avenues to take that will walk him back to the white house.


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which is why i saved this one for you: https://www.pscp.tv/w/1eaKbnbgEAjKX

But besides even that, i expect several people to step out, happens i every lawsuit. it's the reason blasey ford and the other accusers didn't get investigated. but there remain hundreds of them, and that is still probable cause. unless you can tell me that all of them, or even a quarter of them, stepped out, your comment means close to nothing. also., every single affidavit is prepped to contest in court. and due to the magnitude of this case, even if they don't go up, there's a high chance of prison under election fraud rules if these people bullshit their claims.


several of these claims are that ballots were removed from the second envelopes, and instead of preserving the second envelopes, as they legally are obligated to, they tossed them out according to dozens of affidavits at a minimum. the video i showed you proves that they looked INTO the ballots early, even assuming they never tossed trump votes, that already provides grounds to toss entire districts worth of mail in ballots, as we don't know how many they did and didn't open first, and if even a few ballots are missing second envelopes, that places the remainder under suspicion, as we then have both proof prior and proof post, of them having either trashed evidence of ill/legitimate ballots, or having peeked at ballots illegitimately. combined with the prior rulings on late ballots, the mail in votes on PA have a chance noticeably higher than 0, of being burned at the stake for tampering.


on top of that, name the recants please, because the first ups man did not, he posted a video calling that article bullshit, https://www.projectveritas.com/video/marine-veteran-and-usps-whistleblower-richard-hopkins-stands-by-original/ there's even recorded audio of a federal agent trying to talk him out of it via what seems to be intimidation that was recorded:


I'm gonna have to ask who recanted that you know of?



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as i considered replying to this i realised that i have now just fallen into discussing what is as yet absolutely nothing proven and that is not what i enjoyed about this thread or what i want to do so yes good luck to you vla1ne winter godbrand all the lads, i trust in your country's ability to arrive at the correct result and all legal avenues to be explored and resolved to the fullest extent

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1 hour ago, Ryusei the Morning Star said:

that's the same thing some of the software workers, and the one hacker (to be clear, the software workers are on the lawsuit, while the hacker just looked for the manual of operation), were saying. the machine has functions that make it unsuited to be a ballot counting machine, such as using qr code, which makes any normal voter unable to read without qr scanners, which no normal voter would have expected, so nobody took the time to check it out.

On top of the firm refusal to release the data in court over the past few years for any of the voting systems software, most notably dominion. a lot of suspect stuff has been addressed in the months leading up to the election, and the right to look into the software, and recount/audit the votes is one of the rulings that needs to happen for a fair election.

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13 hours ago, Enguin said:

people have already begun recanting affidavits they're not infallible sacred texts

i also am not aware of anyone testifying in court to such but perhaps they have, do you know of any? 

Also gotta love vla1ne insisting that people somehow don't know what a signed affidavit means. He's right that lying would get people in jail, so people recanting those affidavits precisely so they can avoid those risks seems to undermine him trying to flaunt a high number. Incidentally, no one can actually verify that Republicans even have those 500 affidavits.

What a shock, apparently the "evidence" is extremely shoddy and was not verified before vla1ne started bragging about it. I'd hardly say that every step forward is a "win" when his lawyers get cornered this easily.

I'm not going to assume that people know ever single detail of every angle in the controversies of this, but vla1ne seems to assume that everyone should know all of them at the same time he does, and responds as if people have already reacted to those elements no one had talked about until them.

It's not just that vla1ne is trying to discuss a whole lot of random nonsense that hasn't been proven, or in fact has already been debunked, despite his refusal to believe that. He's imagining some other discussion that neither you, Giga, or myself are participating in, and he's responding to that fantasy debate, not the one we're actually holding here.

Not actually related to the election, but when looking for other lawsuits that got dismissed, I did see that Trump lost a libel case against CNN.

At this point, this thread seems less about debating the facts as they are, and more vla1ne writing a fanfiction for getting Trump back in the White House, and we're critiquing all his proposed plot points for reaching that conclusion.

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