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Battle Monsters (A card game I made up.)


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This is a card game area I made up. In order to join you must have a 10 carded deck (or more). You get cards by going to my shop (still working on). You can earn arena points (not regular points for YCM). These show your duel arena skill. Now I'll show you how to play. Check the news and strategy guide to become even better.


How To Play:

There are no decks in this game so you can see all cards you have. Monsters don't have in the thousands zone of ATK and DEF. in this game the monsters have have 0-900 ATK and DEF. The sacrifice system is almost the same to heres how it goes:

1-4 stars no sacrifices

5-6 stars one sacrifice

7-8 stars two sacrifices

9-12 stars three sacrifices.


Now that you know the things related to Yu-Gi-Oh lets learn the types of cards.


Monster Cards:


Monster cards are cards used in battle. They are are the most important cards in the game. They can be summoned to the field by:


Normal Summon: Just bring to the field or bring to the field and pay the sacrifices.


Morph Summon: To morph summon both monsters required and the morph effect card. You need both of the monster cards needed on the field.


Special Summon: Special Summon is where you summon a monster and there is effect that goes along with it.







The rest of the instructions will be added later.

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