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Turbo Cosmos Return (Revised)

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Ok, I did post a Macro Cosmos Return deck some time ago, but with the mid-format changes to the list, 2 things happened.


1. The removal of certain cards in this deck opens up a few free spaces. (And this is still ok, as restricted/banned cards will also be eliminating in opposing strategies.)


2. DAD takes a hit, and other decks have a larger chance of competing.


So I have edited the previous version of the deck, but using 2 copies of A Cat of Ill Omen. I see this card as the future of all Return strategies, as, though it was previously too slow, it can reliably pull Return from your deck, along with other important traps.


This meshes well with Macro Cosmos decks, since Macro Cosmos is trap, thus giving me a 3rd and 4th copy of Macro Cosmos in addition to the real 2 I am running and the 3 Dimensional Fissures. I can also pull Crush Card Virus from the deck, which is invaluable, considering the card's brokenness.


I am not running Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute here, but due to the modification of the build to include Cats, I think it would be prudent to at least run Torrential Tribute. So the question falls, what should be replaced?



Turbo Cosmos Return

Monsters: 20

3 Cyber Valley

3 D.D. Survivor

3 D.D. Scout Plane

2 Dark Grepher

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Morphing Jar

2 A Cat of Ill Omen

3 Dark Nephthys

1 Dark Magician of Chaos

1 Darklord Zerato


Spells: 13

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Trade In

3 Dimensional Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Machine Duplication

1 Enemy Controller


Traps: 7

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Different Dimension

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Crush Card Virus


Deck Total: 40



And due to the slowed down nature of DAD, how well do you think this deck competes? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Ok' date=' I did post a Macro Cosmos Return deck some time ago, but with the mid-format changes to the list, 2 things happened.


1. The removal of certain cards in this deck opens up a few free spaces. (And this is still ok, as restricted/banned cards will also be eliminating in opposing strategies.)


2. DAD takes a hit, and other decks have a larger chance of competing.


So I have edited the previous version of the deck, but using 2 copies of A Cat of Ill Omen. I see this card as the future of all Return strategies, as, though it was previously too slow, it can reliably pull Return from your deck, along with other important traps.


This meshes well with Macro Cosmos decks, since Macro Cosmos is trap, thus giving me a 3rd and 4th copy of Macro Cosmos in addition to the real 2 I am running and the 3 Dimensional Fissures. I can also pull Crush Card Virus from the deck, which is invaluable, considering the card's brokenness.


I am not running Mirror Force or Torrential Tribute here, but due to the modification of the build to include Cats, I think it would be prudent to at least run Torrential Tribute. So the question falls, what should be replaced?



Turbo Cosmos Return

Monsters: 20

3 Cyber Valley

3 D.D. Survivor

3 D.D. Scout Plane

2 Dark Grepher

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Morphing Jar

2 A Cat of Ill Omen

3 Dark Nephthys

1 Dark Magician of Chaos

1 Darklord Zerato


Spells: 12

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Trade In

3 Dimensional Fissure

1 Heavy Storm

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Machine Duplication

1 Enemy Controller


Traps: 7

2 Macro Cosmos

1 Return from the Different Dimension

3 Solemn Judgment

1 Crush Card Virus


Deck Total: 40



And due to the slowed down nature of DAD, how well do you think this deck competes? Any suggestions would be appreciated.



Traps: Traps: 7 + Spells: 12 + Monsters: 20 = 39

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