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Contest Title: Situation Card Contest (COMPLETE)


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Contest Judge: Duel Master

Hello and welcome to my first contest. You know, I have always been interested in situations where one opponent has only to make one draw to change the situation to his/her favor. Now that is exactly what you people out there will be doing in this contest. I will give you a situation where you have no cards in your hand and you have to draw only one card to make the turn around and complete the object of that turn. You must make that card and submit it to me quickly because once I get eight or more participants the contest will be closed. Now don’t worry, you can still reserve a place in my contest. If you do however, keep in mind one thing, when I do get eight participants you will have only 3 hours left to complete your card and submit it. At that point the contest will be closed.

Here are the rules. I know I am copying some one else’s rules but I will be changing things to fit my contest.

1.Effect- Do they have one? If so does it go well with the monster? 0-10 points depending.

2.Fusion Material- Is it a fusion? If so please post the material too. 0-10 points depending.

3.Ritual- Is it a Ritual Monster? If so please post the Ritual Spell Card as well. 0-10 points depending.

4.Over/Under Power- Please don't it isn't fun if you make a level 4 monster with 3000 ATK points. 0-10 points depending.

5.Grammar/Spelling/Punctuation- It must be passable. I am ok with two mistakes but please do your best to make them have no mistakes. 0-10 points depending.

6. Artwork- This is one of my most important things. It must look like the title of the card, it must be extremely detailed, and it must have a background, please no white behind the monster. 0-10 points depending.

7. How well does the card work with the situation? 0-50 points depending.


Now here is how the prizes will be given. Each of the seven things I am going to judge by have a number of points attached to it. Those will be the ranges I will be giving out the points to the winner in that section. Now as for the people who will win, the first place winner with the highest amounts of points in that section will be given the number of reps that they accumulated. As for the other players, they will get 1 points for participating. One thing to remember if you have been chosen to resive a prize for one section, you will not be chosen to get points for one of the other sections. So I would like you all to do your best.


Now here is the situation.


You have two cards face up on the field. One Giant Soldier of Stone(Level: 3 ATK: 1300 DEF: 2000) in defense mode and one Pitch Black Power Stone with one spell counter left on it. You also have 2150 life points left and no cards in your hand. Also, your Swords of Revealing Light expired at your opponents last End Phase.


Your opponent has three monsters face up. A Dark Magician(Level: 7 ATK: 2500 DEF: 2100) , a Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon(Level: 7 ATK: 2800 DEF: 2100), and an Ancient Gear Soldier(Level: 4

ATK: 1300 DEF: 1300) all in attack mode. He also has two face down cards in the magic/trap slots. One Mirror Force trap card and one Pot of Greed magic card. He also has an untouched 4000 life points and no cards in his hand.


The object of this contest is to make a card that with in the situation can bring your opponent’s life points down to below yours. This next thing is optional, if you explain exactly how you would use the card to do the job in that one turn I will award 1 extra reps to the tally of that participant with in each of the sections for judging. Again the rule about not geting awarded for a prize in two sections still will apply.


Well good luck and have fun.

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First, Entry Resreved.


Second, this is clever. I like it.


Third, I will not tolerate you giving 100 reps. If you want to give 100 points, that's fine with me. But no more than 5 reps per contest. That's it. If you read this Kurtis, you know now my concerns.


Get points, award your 100 points. I am not allowing any more than 5 reps now.

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First' date=' Entry Resreved.


Second, this is clever. I like it.


Third, I will not tolerate you giving 100 reps. If you want to give 100 points, that's fine with me. But no more than 5 reps per contest. That's it. If you read this Kurtis, you know now my concerns.


Get points, award your 100 points. I am not allowing any more than 5 reps now.



I understand your concerns. As for this contest, if i don't put all those reps on the table i wll feel as if i am skimping out especialy if those items are the most important ones. If you want i will change it but i do not belive it will help. plus, i would have to judge by each section. It will be acumlative reps this time.

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Look around. How many people have over 10 reps? Who has the most reps? How many reps does he/she have? What's the most amount of reps a contest is giving out at the moment [it IS the most that have ever been given out]. How many reps to contests generally give out?


Answer these questions and then talk to me about skimping out.

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Look around. How many people have over 10 reps? Who has the most reps? How many reps does he/she have? What's the most amount of reps a contest is giving out at the moment [it IS the most that have ever been given out]. How many reps to contests generally give out?


Answer these questions and then talk to me about skimping out.


The reps i give out is for best i section really. I should have put that in to my contest.

EDIT: i have made some changes. It is still reps but it is just for winner by section.

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I know that, and that's fine. But still.


I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, but you really DO need to do that.


If you answer those questions I previously posed to you, you'll realize what I mean.


If you can't find answers to some of them, post back, and I'll answer each of them.

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I know, and I am glad that you did that.


But look at this:


The max reps possible for the winner are 31.


Now, I shall answer my previous questions.


1. How many people have 10+ reps?: 5 or so

2. Who has the most reps? How many does he/she have?: bhim has 38 reps.

3. What's the most amount of reps ever given out?: 10.

4. How many reps generally given out: 3-5 to the first place.


You clearly go over that. Now, as Kurtis previously said, 1 rep = 30 points.


31 * 30 = 930

Maximum 5 reps per contest * 30 = 300.

930 - 300 = 630.


For this, you can give 5 reps and 630 points. To amass 630 points, you will need about 550 posts or so [which could take a month even] , or if you win contests, you could do it even quicker [2 weeks?]


Since I have made the max reps to give out 5, this is your option. I suggest you offer points based on how well you do [max 31 points is fine, in my contests I generally give 1-2 reps and about 20 or so points] and a bonus 3 reps to the winner or so.

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1) Can we enter a real card, or does it have to be custom made?

2) To be sure, we only need to do 2000 Life Points of damage to our opponent, not defeat them?

3) Can we know the contents of the Graveyard and what has been removed from play?

Also 1 quick word of advice (i dont mean to be rude), if your going to mention cards during your situations, can you please use the correct names for the cards. eg/ Pitch Black Powder Stone is Pitch Black Power Stone, Gear Soldier is meant to be Ancient Gear Soldier and Two Headed THunder Dragon is Twin-Headed Thunder Dragon

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#1- Yes it has to be custoim made and it has to have been made by this site's card maker I want to see it with my own eyes.

#2- Yes that is true that you only need to do 2000 points of damage this contest but it has to fit with the situation presented.

#3- if there were cards out of play i would have mentioned that. I would have also mentioned if there was any cards in the graveyard. This is liked those timed situation duels you find in yu-gi-oh gx acadamy the gba game.

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heres the effect incase its too small...


This card can only be activated if your the total level of all of the monsters on your opponent's side of the field is atleast 10 greater than the total level of all monsters on your side of the field and your lifepoints are less than that of your opponent. Tribute one monster on your side of the field to destroy all monster on the field. Then inflict damage to your opponent's lifepoints equal to the total levels of all of the monster on your opponent's side of the field which were destroyed by this effect x 150 points. Your opponent cannot take more than 2500 points of damage from this effect. Then both Players may special summon one level four or lower monster from their graveyard in face-up defence position. The card special summoned by this card effect cannot change battle position except by card effect.



you activate it, destroy all monsters, they take damage, and you special summon giant soldier of stone to defend you!!!


and btw... i fixed the effect to meet required standards. i thought dark magician was 8 star...

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Dark Hole + Monster Reborn = not broken?


Hmm... Maybe they shouldn't be banned then...


I agree with Quagmire_jr who posted that Last Stand card for this contest. The object was not to attack but to draw a card that would knock out some of the opponets life points so that his points are lower then yours, not to destroy his face downs though that could be a bounus. the face downs were sposed to be miss information.

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