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God Card Contest!!^_^ Winner get's a total of 4 REPS!!

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Hi! This is Amun Ra! Please read the instructions before you post a contest. Anyway, these are the cards you were looking for. My god cards are the same as the 3 egyptian god cards, but, the name, picture and description are different. That should qualify.




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Guest setojim

yay! xD...how long do we have til it ends?


o btw, if you want, i can PM you the effects i made for these gods....PM me back plz

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DUDE!! MELLOW OUT!! Soz everybody, but i wen't on holiday but i didn't get time to post before i left. Soz, i'm back now... I will say the winner soon. Also, i got the message the first time, so those extra post's wern't needed after the first...-_-

Ok, first prize goes to........................................................CRONOSE CROWLER!!

Second of all..................................................................element8923!!

Last place will not be awarded, as nobody else followed the rules and didn't complete the challenge...except one person... setojim...who broke YCM rules, was impatiant and basicly said i'm not allowed to have a holiday, so i'm disqualifying you. You had great card's, but your impatiant's let's you down. Please try my next compotition.

Thank's to everybody else who tried, you are great card maker's. You will get your prizes.

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Guest setojim

i didnt know you had a holiday so im sorry. I'm just usually trying to be real punctual on timing. Sorry the double posts and such. I was just real anxious to see the results...again srry

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