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<x> Kingdom Hearts <x> Rise of the Keybearers <x> Sign-Up Thread <x>

The Ruby

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  • 7 months later...

if its not too late can i join


Name: Rave (real name:Aura ferous)

keyblades: Blade of Dawnpost_157685_1229294939_fd7d5bf728b6e9356be562aeee8a4cd9_thumb.attach and 2 others on his back for Blank Form: The LureBreakerpost_157685_1229294956_7eaf8ac89cf02d14cbe5d456915343af_thumb.attach and Redemptionpost_157685_1229294987_db4e81b8aded52b5d6bf7cd934be0d04_thumb.attach

Personality: Only cares for himself.

Homeworld Castle Oblivion

Keyblade Master pic:


Blank Form:post_157685_1229294883_b5d275061ab7b44e3083bf4299b61210_thumb.attach

How he holds his keyblade: Blade of Dawn: Right hand only, the tip is behind him, Blank Form(The LureBreaker and Redemption) he holds them like Valor Form but tighter

gender: Male


Short Background: Raised by Organization XIII, Got "Willingly" traped in the Door to Darkness(tricked by Saïx and Xemnas) fought heartless after heartless finaly let the darkness consume him(so he is 1/4 Nobody, 1/4 Heartless and 2/4 Human), met up with Riku and the king and lost to the king but beat Riku but let him live. he is now curently trying to find his way to Castle Oblivion and get revenge...

During his time in the Door to Darkness he was uneffected by age and time.

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Name: Neos Bakuda


Age: 25


Keyblade: Sapphire Star [spoiler=Sapphire Star]post_100090_1229402866_52b3309bdea4486f31dc285de0be302a_thumb.attach



Forms: Deity Mode (White Eyes (Not Blind), Rainbow Clothes Extra Keyblade (Terra Destroyer)), Swift Mode (Can move at 5 trillion miles per hour, Extra Keyblade (Tenebrex)).


Summons: Renji Abarai, Byakuya Kuchiki


Bio: This man doesn't know when, or where he's from. He's on a quest to recover his long lost memories and find his one true love.


Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]post_100090_1229406292_b1a5e34753a99677250624215649072b_thumb.attach



Extra Keyblades: [spoiler=Extra Keyblades]post_100090_1229406206_415dda2f49d7d0100cca37754d42c855_thumb.attachpost_100090_1229406234_1e0440a062de69a755b8ddf703fa13ae_thumb.attach


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Name: Mineku Okiasu

Age: 18

Keyblade: Shadow Scythe

Forms: Heartless- A form where Mineku is fully transformed into a heartless.

Summon (Max: 2): Grim Reaper, Werewolf Nobody

Bio: An odd one out, this key bearer possess the talents to create unique nobodies, such as the heartless can. His nobodies are grim and were and his keyblade represents a scyth.

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