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<x> Kingdom Hearts <x> Rise of the Keybearers <x> Sign-Up Thread <x>

The Ruby

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Story: 2 Years have passed since the events of KH2. So far the the Heartless (Negative) and the Nobody's (Neutral). Only one (Positive) Bestiary is yet to be introduced. Journey through the different Worlds (not just Disney...XD), and meet new friends. And Make your own Storyline.




~I'll add as more people sign-up~



Taken By: God Splice

*Includes Donald and Goofy*

Age: 17

Keyblade: All

Forms: Valor, Wisdom, Master, Final, & Shadow

Summon: All


[King Mickey]

Taken By: God Splice

Age: [unknown]

Keyblade: Starseeker

Forms: none

Summon: ???



Taken By: Chaos Remix

Age: 24

Weapon: Crimson Nightmare

The Keybearers


[Lee Aimshot]

Age: 16

Keyblade: Entrance to the Dark

Forms: Star Form

Summon: Yoda

Bio: An orphan who does not know who he is. He's on a quest to gain back his memories.



Age: 34

Keyblade: Dragons Bite

Forms: Dragoon Form, turns into a Dragoon. Can fly and jump higher then any other species. Also gives him a new keyblade, Dragoons Slash.

Summon (Max: 2): Sesshomaru, Auron

Bio: A most powerful keyblade bearer. He has been wielding his keyblade long before the original keyblade masters have he was simply stuck on a world that was never found called Forgotten Plain. Where he spends all his time alone...


[Lord Davok]

Age: 18 (Officially 10,000)

Keyblade: Doom Legacy

Forms: Torchman Mrk.II (See my Avatar for the image)

Summon (Max: 2): Shadow Astaroth, Charade

Bio: The Master of Villains is back, bruised with the defeats from Super Smash Bros. Armageddon and Monster World. Now he finds a new dimension, discovering the Keyblade and finding one himself. With Earth in his grasp so many times before, Lord Davok will stop at nothing until he conquers Earth.


[Will Arch]

Age: 15

Keyblade: Assault Blade

Forms: Assault Form. Can turn a little darker and faster and has slow but powerful attacks.

Summon (Max: 2): Simba

Bio: Will has had a tough life. He was seperated from his parents very young, he doesn't even know if they are alive anymore. Now he is on a quest for something unknown.


[Mike Winters]


Keyblade: Angelic Hope

Forms: Twilight Form.(black and light clothes,this form allows the use of two keyblades,the second keyblade is chaos hope)

Summon(max2): Sephiroth, Cloud

Bio:A boy who was chosen by the keyblade,he is on a quest to save his world from destruction





Forms: Darkness Devil

Summon : Vampire Bats, Deamons

Bio: a devil that was betrayed be his deamon servents






*If it's an already existing character, please just claim that character.

if the character is a made-up Keybearer, please try and fill in more detail.






Summon (Max: 2):





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Name: Subatsu

Age: 34

Keyblade: Dragons Bite

Forms: Dragoon Form, turns into a Dragoon. Can fly and jump higher then any other species. Also gives him a new keyblade, Dragoons Slash.

Summon (Max: 2): Sesshomaru, Auron

Bio: A most powerful keyblade bearer. He has been wielding his keyblade long before the original keyblade masters have he was simply stuck on a world that was never found called Forgotten Plain. Where he spends all his time alone...

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Name: Lord Davok

Age: 18 (Officially 10,000)

Keyblade: Doom Legacy

Forms: Torchman Mrk.II (See my Avatar for the image)

Summon (Max: 2): Shadow Astaroth, Charade

Bio: The Master of Villains is back, bruised with the defeats from Super Smash Bros. Armageddon and Monster World. Now he finds a new dimension, discovering the Keyblade and finding one himself. With Earth in his grasp so many times before, Lord Davok will stop at nothing until he conquers Earth.

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Name: Will Arch

Age: 15

Keyblade: Assault Blade

Forms: Assault Form. Can turn a little darker and faster and has slow but powerful attacks.

Summon (Max: 2): Simba

Bio: Will has had a tough life. He was seperated from his parents very young, he doesn't even know if they are alive anymore. Now he is on a quest for something unknown.

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I would assume your character is a Made-up Character...?

so your not a Keybearer?


Heroking: Ok...^_^


Yes and yes, i liked the nobodys more then keybearers, i would like to start a new evil if that is ok with u

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wow...so many forms...^_^

all accepted...

it seems we have many people already...

wanna start?



Chaos Remix: yes...the group shall be started here...

i like to think of heartless as [negative] beings

nobody's as [neutral] beings

so all we need is the[positive] beings...:wink:

i'll need a whole new organization with 7 members...

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