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Pokefreak's 1 stop Card Shop


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Pokefreak's 1 Stop Card Shop

Okay, for everyone out there! I will make a card for you for 1 point

Here is a list of prices:

1 cards - 1 points

2 cards - 2 points

3 cards - 3 points

4 cards - 4 points



For every 5 cards you buy you get one point off!



1. Tell me what the name/subject is.

2. Tell me if it is, Spell, Trap, Monster,

3. A. If you chose Spell or trap, tell me what type it is.

B. If you chose Monster, tell me if it is Synchro, Fusion, Ritual, or Effect.

Yes, this is a waste, and who would actually buy this? But for those who don't think that they can make a good card, this is for you!



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