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[Written] Graceful Spellshifter


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Graceful Spellshifter

  • Level 4
  • Fairy/Effect
  • ATK 1500
  • DEF 1000

Cannot be Special Summoned. During your Main Phase, You can discard 1 Normal Spell; Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards. You can only use this effect of "Graceful Spellshifter" once per Duel. 

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9 hours ago, Haumea said:

Graceful Shapeshifter

  • Level 4
  • Fairy/Effect
  • ATK 1500
  • DEF 1000

Cannot be Special Summoned. During your Main Phase, You can discard 1 Normal Spell; Draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards. You can only use this effect of "Graceful Spellshifter" once per Duel. 

Did you decide to change the name halfway through? The name in the card text doesn't match the actual card name. Even with all these limits on it, it'll probably end up banned because someone will find a way to activate it a second time.

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On 7/23/2020 at 1:01 AM, Haumea said:

How do you use it twice exactly?

Definitely, I don't see how xD.

By the way, I see your card grammar is pretty good, as you showed a couple of days ago, but this card has a couple of details, let me point them out:


Cannot be Special Summoned. During your Main Phase: You can discard 1 Normal Spell; draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards. You can only use this effect of "Graceful Spellshifter" once per Duel.

Added a colon and lowercase d after the semicolon. Other than that, it's perfect ^_^.

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13 minutes ago, ITSUKOSOADO said:

I don't even know which name I like more

I'd say Spellshipter is much more fitting considering the effect. And talking about the effect, it's an obvious wink to Graceful Charity, except that it limits you to Normal Spells, and on top of that, it can only be used once per Duel. Oof... I'm pretty divided about such a harsh limitation. Sure, with it, the card wouldn't be hit by Konami, but still... not being recyclable at all hurts. I'd like it if it was something like being usable only once while the card stays face-up on the field, but twice per Duel.

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On 7/25/2020 at 1:55 AM, Rayfield Lumina said:

it's an obvious wink to Graceful Charity, except that it limits you to Normal Spells

It's pretty obvious the card transform your card into Graceful Charity. Not mush else to say about this.

On 7/25/2020 at 1:55 AM, Rayfield Lumina said:

it can only be used once per Duel.

On 7/25/2020 at 1:55 AM, Rayfield Lumina said:

not being recyclable at all hurts.

On 7/25/2020 at 1:55 AM, Rayfield Lumina said:

I'd like it if it was something like being usable only once while the card stays face-up on the field, but twice per Duel.

Originally I made it like this to make it to mimic the time period when Graceful Charity still at 1. But after playing other digital card game like Hearthstone, Legend of Runeterra, and recently, Magic the Gathering, I am starting to notice other reasons behind these restrictions. Making it cannot be special summoned makes combo decks cannot just summon this card from the deck and rip through their deck easily. But I am also give the once per duel so control decks cannot just use it multiple times, even when it only once per turn. Combining those two restrictions makes those decks need to make a decision, whether they play 1 copy to not having 2 "dead" cards in your deck but have lower chance to have in the opening hand  ,or playing 3 copies to have a higher chance to get it on turn 1 but giving your deck 2 "dead" cards.

While on the topic of restriction. I feel like the game becomes not friendly to newcomers since the game becomes "whoever get first wins the game", due to the speed of the game. The last time I play the game last year, the game is no longer about outsmart your opponent on turn-by-turn basis, but rather about making your opponent unable to do anything. 

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