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How to download



2 answers to this question

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The golden years of Imageshack have ended in 2012; it is now a terrible hosting platform for images which doesn't work half of the time. The best thing you can do is migrate to better platforms. Currently, the market seems dominated by Imgur and many people still use Photobucket. Though, you may want to look at more generic hosting services like Google Drive and One Drive, which allow you to upload just about anything on their platforms.

Also make sure to select the link to the image; sometimes links have image tags within them, which has the effect of redirecting you somewhere else. To solve that issue, right click the image and select "Copy Image Location".

Btw, if you're planning to use images on this forums, you won't need to upload them to other websites; When you're typing, there's a Paper Clip which appears under the text area; you can then drag the image(s) you wish to use or click the "choose files..." link to select your images. Once that is done, click the "Insert other media" combo box and select "insert existing attachment". You'll be greeted with a menu where you'll be able to select which images to insert in your post from those you have uploaded.

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