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Rate the above user's avatar!!^_^

Black Rose Phoenix®

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Rate out of a scale of 10, the above user's avatar. I'm sure you all know how it work's, but for the new people, here's how it go's...

1. I first post this thread, and then somebody reply's to this thread and say how good they think my Avatar is (e.g. Your avatar is 1...3...7...9...or 10/10 or any other you like in between ten.).

2 After that, the next person who read's this will not say the rating of my Avatar, but the person who posted before them.

3. This will be a continuos game until people get bored of it.

4. You can post more then once, to rate another person's avatar or to get your's rated by another person.


...So it's simple, enjoy playing!!^_^



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