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Frunk. Let me post the story :p


In a place, far far away, a long long time ago... Me and Frunk were in the same Runescape can for a long time. ( But on the forum he was Norad, not frunk. ) We became friends, i became leader of the clan and all was going good. But dispite all our efforts The Sentinels were no more.... So me and Norad/Frunk and Mega Guy ( You dont know him) Kept posting random things,until one day Frunk/Norad said he was a mod on a site and we should check it out.So he posted a link to Yugioh Cardmaker. I didn't really have the time to check it out while Mega Guy made fun of yugioh. So i lost interest, until one day I decided to ask Frunk for the link because it would be the only way we could chat with him and i was bored so, shocked, he gave it to me. I felt a little left out a first :p but now everythings going good :D

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Frunk. Let me post the story :p


In a place' date=' far far away, a long long time ago... Me and Frunk were in the same Runescape can for a long time. ( But on the forum he was Norad, not frunk. ) We became friends, i became leader of the clan and all was going good. But dispite all our efforts The Sentinels were no more.... So me and Norad/Frunk and Mega Guy ( You dont know him) Kept posting random things,until one day Frunk/Norad said he was a mod on a site and we should check it out.So he posted a link to Yugioh Cardmaker. I didn't really have the time to check it out while Mega Guy made fun of yugioh. So i lost interest, until one day I decided to ask Frunk for the link because it would be the only way we could chat with him and i was bored so, shocked, he gave it to me. I felt a little left out a first :p but now everythings going good :D




So do you actually play YGO?

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Frunk. Let me post the story :p


In a place' date=' far far away, a long long time ago... Me and Frunk were in the same Runescape can for a long time. ( But on the forum he was Norad, not frunk. ) We became friends, i became leader of the clan and all was going good. But dispite all our efforts The Sentinels were no more.... So me and Norad/Frunk and Mega Guy ( You dont know him) Kept posting random things,until one day Frunk/Norad said he was a mod on a site and we should check it out.So he posted a link to Yugioh Cardmaker. I didn't really have the time to check it out while Mega Guy made fun of yugioh. So i lost interest, until one day I decided to ask Frunk for the link because it would be the only way we could chat with him and i was bored so, shocked, he gave it to me. I felt a little left out a first :p but now everythings going good :D




So do you actually play YGO?


Heres the thing, i did for a long time. But on the last day of school my bro wanted to use my cards, he brought them all, lost them all, i quit. I've been slowly getting more and more cards but its hard.Rebuilding my deck. I'm a teenager and i need money for other things :/ I occasionaly duel online because no one plays in real life either

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Frunk. Let me post the story :p


In a place' date=' far far away, a long long time ago... Me and Frunk were in the same Runescape can for a long time. ( But on the forum he was Norad, not frunk. ) We became friends, i became leader of the clan and all was going good. But dispite all our efforts The Sentinels were no more.... So me and Norad/Frunk and Mega Guy ( You dont know him) Kept posting random things,until one day Frunk/Norad said he was a mod on a site and we should check it out.So he posted a link to Yugioh Cardmaker. I didn't really have the time to check it out while Mega Guy made fun of yugioh. So i lost interest, until one day I decided to ask Frunk for the link because it would be the only way we could chat with him and i was bored so, shocked, he gave it to me. I felt a little left out a first :p but now everythings going good :D



A story of easier times, it is, but you forget, another member of this site was in this clan, I member I reference so often, my mate in real life, Ashes Right Hand...


My story takes me back to a time, one night when Ashes Right Hand and myself, were actually searching for a Yu-Gi-Oh card maker, eventually, stumbling across a little link that read "freewebtown.com/supersimplegames", so, disenchanted by the lack of Yu-Gi-Oh card makers actually in existance, I followed the link, not noticing the "Just Realised - Online Version" link, finding some screenshots of this card maker capabilites, two cards, "The Guitar" and "The Flame"... Finally, our search had payed off, I clicked on the "Download Now" link and it began to download, we waited for the download to complete, and when it did, I tired to open the card maker, "Component 'comdlg32.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid", what this meant was unknown to me, and I returned to the download page for more information, soon finding the small paragraph at the bottom of the Yugioh-Card-Maker section, I downloaded and installed "this."... Trying again, and finding it still didn't work, once more I returned to the FreeWebTown page, searching for help, and finding the link, the link to the Yugioh-Card-Maker Forums, signing up and seeking assistance, as member No. 38, I did not realise then, that it would lead to this, lead to 3000 posts on a forum with nearly 5000 members, just over 10 months later...

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