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Food for Thought: Now that DAD has been neutered with the banning of D-Fusion...

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Assuming Judgment Dragon and DAD are banned in September, along with Treeborn Frog and Destiny Hero Disk Commander, here is my prediction of the new metagame.


-Lightsworn (Even without JD, they are still a potent swarm deck)




-Gladiator Beasts


-Six Samurai


-Oppression Gadgets


-Macro Monarchs / Other faster Monarch variants that don't require Frog or Disk.


-A slower Dark Return that doesn't involve DAD and possibly uses Cat of Ill Omen to reliably search the single legal Return. It would also likely use 3 Escapes and maybe D.D.R as well.



So, it looks like we're on our way back to a good format. I'm happy. That's 7 playable decks. (Though I do think that the Monarchs might still be slightly sluggish compared to the others.)


Oh, and one last thing, this drop in speed gives flips back some of their power. I expect to start seeing Dekoichi again, along with some of the other good flips out there. (Which in turn makes Nobleman of Crossout a god card again, possibly justifying its limitation.)

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