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My attempt at a dark deck


22 Monsters:


2| Dark Armed Dragon

1| Dark Horus


2| Dark Ruler Ha Des


2| Cyber Dragon

1| Dark General Freed


3| Amageddon Knight

2| Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

2| Doomsday Horror

2| Dark Crusader

1| Phantom of Chaos

1| Newdoria

1| Snipe Hunter


1| Sangan


1|Morphing Jar


13 Spells:


2| Allure of Darkness

2| Fires of Doomsday

2| Lightning Vortex

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Heavy Storm

1| Smashing Ground

1| Premature Burial

1| Monster Reborn

1| Card Destruction

1| The Beginning of the End



5 Traps:


2| Escape from the Dark Dimension

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Return from the Different Dimension

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