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Divine Wrath: Re-Discussion

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With the lightlords being completely wrecked by DD crow, it will probably see a lot of play there, because its the best way to negate crow. Tested and usually effective assurance that you will win against decks that Main Deck Crow.



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I used to use divine wrath a lot, especially against cards like Magician of Faith and Man Eater Bug when they were really well used (and back when Traditional format was the main format).


I can see where it would have its usefulness now, but with the use of a Jinzo, Royal Decree, or DMOC, chances of using it effectively are going to be slim.


LoL, I once had someone try and use it against me on my DMOC.

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I used to use divine wrath a lot' date=' especially against cards like Magician of Faith and Man Eater Bug when they were really well used (and back when Traditional format was the main format).


I can see where it would have its usefulness now, but with the use of a Jinzo, Royal Decree, or DMOC, chances of using it effectively are going to be slim.


LoL, I once had someone try and use it against me on my DMOC.



He can use it to negate dmocs effect

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I use a copy of it in my Normal Monster deck (which I use just for fun' date=' so no making fun of me for that).


Normal Monster decks can be good. There are some very interesting builds.

Meh. If I'm not playing competitive, I probably won't run it.

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How can it be used on DMOC?

Its effect is exactly like Jinzo's.

It can negate and destroy trap cards (the user can select which ones)

Which means, his effect doesn't activate until a trap is activated. If he activates his effect, the trap is negated. Unless its in the official card rulings, I still say that Divine Wrath cannot touch DMOC.

Same with Jinzo. Jinzo negates all traps, so therefor, as soon as Jinzo is on the field, trap cards cannot be activated (hence why say, trap hole, bottomless trap hole, and torrential tribute don't work).

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^ Wrong Jinzos effect is continous and so never technically activates thus the activation cannot be negated. Only the summon of Jinzo can be negated by cards like forced back and solemn judgement. However DMoCs effect does activate when it gets normal summoned or special summoned thus the activation of its effect can be negated

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MOM is using his incredible anti-knowledge of his very own deck to say "DMoC" when he's trying to refer to Sorcerer of Dark Magic.


Divine Wrath cannot be negated by Sorcerer of Dark Magic, and can be used to negate the effect of Sorcerer of Dark Magic and destroy him. This is because Sorcerer of Dark Magic's effect, unlike that of Jinzo, is not a Continuous effect; it is a Multi-Trigger effect that needs to be chained to the activation of a trap in order to negate it. However, Multi-Trigger effects are Spell Speed 2, whereas Counter Traps are Spell Speed 3; it is impossible to chain the effect of Sorcerer of Dark Magic to the activation of this card, which means that he cannot negate this card.


Summary: MOM doesn't know what his monsters are named or how their effects work.

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