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Boarderline Battle [Written]


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Borderline Battle
Quick-Play Spell Card
During damage calculation, if your "HERO", "Neo-Spacian" or "Kuriboh" monster battles an opponents monster: Your battling monsters ATK becomes that battling monsters ATK +100 during damage calculation only, also, if your monster that battled is a Fusion Monster and it destroys an opponents monster this battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monsters original ATK at the end of the Damage Step. 

So Borderline battle's effect is inspired by TA.I strike where instead it only works with HERO, Neo-Spacian and Kuriboh monsters and actually has them get over your opponents monsters ATK by 100. In addition if your monster was a Fusion and it destroys the opponents monster you get to deal some additional effect damage on top of it. Lastly the name also comes from the first ending song of Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Where the card art would likely be focused around the group of HERO's and Winged Kuriboh at the end of the vid.


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