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LOCK: Banner Request.


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Type Of Graphic: Banner

Text On Graphic: Dark Kale

Sub-Text On Graphic: N/A

Image For Graphic: Rainbow Dark Dragon, 2x Cyber Valleys

Size Of Graphic: 432 x 180


something dark, not to creepy though!


i had in mind Rainbow Dark in the middle of the pic, and the 2 valleys facing opposite each other on either side of rainbow dark.


im easy on the colors, i would prefer black with red, or something of that nature.


i'd like the text to be somewhere OTHER than in the middle, like off to the side or in a bottom corner.


please PM me your price for the sig banner.


Thanks. =)

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Ill have a go!


alrighty! Just try your best at it. Not to be rude, but dont just slap something together to try and get points, please?


You most likely won't, but if it isn't said... ^_^


Thanks for trying, man. =)

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that looks awesome, man! Way better than I could have done it for sure!!


Now I'm new to this buying thing, so how does this work? You pm me the code and I pay you in points?


Oh, and is it alright if I pay you tomorrow? Ive got some stuff to do...


Please dont lock yet!!

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