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Traditional Format is better than Advanced Format.

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I'll take a stab at this one and see how my answer is rated.


Traditional is better than advanced because any kind of ban list in a card game is, 98% of the time, made for two reasons...

1. To cover for complete oversights/failures in development and playtesting.

2. To force players into an almost constant state of having to sink money into the game they wish to play. If you are constantly removing content from the game then you are also constantly forcing players to have to purchase new content to replace that which is lost. Games have existed in the past that used story, design, and play mechanics to encourage people to continue to purchase their product. MTG is the one who petty much invented this system where you can bypass those ideas and just get right to the profits.


So traditional is better than advanced because if not for greed and poor design there would not be advanced. Traditional is the game in it's intended and pure state whereas, in an ideal game, Advanced doesn't even need to exist. ;)

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Typical Scenario.


John: I'm going to beat you with my 5 Monsters! HA!

Jake: Oh yeah!? I've got Raigeki! BOOM! LOL!

John: Curse you! Well I still have my Traps!

Jake: Wrong Again! I Harpie Feather Duster your Traps! BOOM!

John: I give up....

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Traditional Format is better because the duels are all over in 1 turn. Their is no skill needed.


Explain why this makes it better.

Because their is no effort. The whole thing goes



Person goes



Repeat 2 more times.


So the person that wins the coin will win

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Traditional Format is better because the duels are all over in 1 turn. Their is no skill needed.


Explain why this makes it better.

Because their is no effort. The whole thing goes



Person goes



Repeat 2 more times.


So the person that wins the coin will win


Again, explain why that makes it better.

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So now we have an anarchist and...someone who thinks that Traditional has fewer effect cards than Advanced. Apparently' date=' Normal Monsters are now Trad-Pro.



Correct me if I read this wrong but how does anything I said in my post come even remotely close to anarchy? :?

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So now we have an anarchist and...someone who thinks that Traditional has fewer effect cards than Advanced. Apparently' date=' Normal Monsters are now Trad-Pro.



Correct me if I read this wrong but how does anything I said in my post come even remotely close to anarchy? :?


You wanted all restrictions removed for the sake of removing all restrictions.

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hmmm... how can a game where the coinflip decides who wins to be better??



i guess i got it' date=' because if the game is decided by a coinflip, then both players are at equal conditions of winning... right??



Nope. But it does relate to the fact that Traditional is essentially a coin flip.

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Hold on, hold on, hold on. D-Fusion is banned? When did this happen?!?


I think adv is better because in trad half your deck is unbanned cards.




If I am being very stupid right now, please don't sig this.

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