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In regards to send effect, I was thinking of making it an okay target for gozuki and uni-zombie. If your opponent has an annoying floodgate, but I was also thinking of making it work when discarded from hand, such as by the effect of Shiranui Squire's banish effect or uni-zombie's discard effect.

As for the banish effect, I was thinking of making it synergize well with gozuki, vendread core, Shiranui Shogunsaga and Shiranui Squiresaga and potentially Shiranui Spectralsword (although that one doesn't come up very often, because the effect is slow). You could arguably use it with Shiranui Samurai as well, but again, it rarely comes up as that card is rarely used, and if it is - its only used as 1 copy per deck.

Also I thought about making it a tuner, so you'd be able to summon it off Shiranui Solitaire's effect, but thought that it would be a bit excessive and card would become a "wall of text".

The art is borrowed from "The Elementia Universe".

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