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This Strategy is one that I think is a bad one but I was nearly beat by it somehow so I'll post it anyways.


This strategy needs 5 spefic in your hand and one on the field

In hand:

  • Black Luster Soldier
  • Dragon's Mirror [2 copies]
  • Future fusion
  • Advanced Ritual Art

And you need Return from the different dimension on the field.


  • When you have this you first play future fusion to get 3 BEWD in graveyard
  • Then you play Dragon's Mirror and remove them from play in order to summon BEUD.
  • Play Advanced Ritual art and send any level 8 monster to the grave and summon BLS.
  • Play your second Dragon's Mirror to summon Dragon Master Knight and remove BLS and BEUD from play.
  • Than play return from different Dimension to bring back 3 BEWD and BEUD which raises DMK's atk from 5000 to 7000 which means you will have a total of 20800 (7000+3000+3000+3000+4800) ATK on the field


I see several flaws in this stategy and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't the only one who saw that this stategy SUCKS

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  • Than play return from different Dimension to bring back 3 BEWD and BEUD which raises DMK's atk from 5000 to 7000 which means you will have a total of 20800 (7000+3000+3000+3000+4800) ATK on the field


BEUD was fused with BLS to form MoDS, so that's 6500 + 3*3000 = 15500.

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this (imo) is not an otk. though i suppose the meaning of an otk is a combo that CAN kill your opponent in one turn, but this combo lacks the cards to make it a SURE THING. you would need at least two more cards just to make it a sure thing. in my eyes an otk compensates for ALL posibilities. now weather this is true or not, what i am discribing is at least the sign of a GOOD otk. of course worth while otks have to be at most 5 cards and still have the ability to make it a sure thing (though nothing is a sure thing with cards like solmn judgement)

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Guest PikaPerson01



- 1 Dragon's Mirror


+ Polymerization



When I read this topic, I thought it would be Dark Magician Knight.


Also, lol @ this combo.

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poly is the worst fusion card, period. if he wanted a minus card he would probably be better off with fusion gate but thats not the point if he has a fusion monster that is a dragon type dragons mirror is the best card to use for it. no ifs no ands and no buts.


though you are right about one thing, a fusion replacement is so much better then using both.

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