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New Megalith Ritual monster

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Cybros, Mothership of the Purifiers

Level 10




You can ritual summon this card with any "Megalith" Ritual Spell Card. Must be ritual summoned by a "Megalith" card and cannot be special summoned otherwise. This card is treated as a "Megalith" card while in your hand. Cannot be destroyed by battle or by card effects. If this card is special summoned: Special Summon 1 "Talandar Token" (Machine/LIGHT/Level 8/ATK 3000/DEF 3000) Twice per turn this token cannot be destroyed by battle or by cards effects also it can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each Battle Phase. Once per turn you can activate 1 of the following effects, this card cannot declare an attack the turn these effects are activated: You can special summon up to 2 "Purifier Zealot Tokens" (Machine/LIGHT/Level 4/ATK 2000/DEF 2000) Each of these tokens cannot be destroyed by battle or by cards effects once per turn. You can special summon 1 "Purifier Tempest Token" (Machine/LIGHT/Level 7/ATK 2500/DEF 2500) At the start of the damage step, if this token battles a monster, that monster's ATK and DEF become half its current ATK and DEF.

This card is meant to be a bit of a joke card (but without a joke effect) since when I saw the archetype name "Megalith" I thought of this:


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