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[TCG] Absolute Ritual, which summons DARK and Dragon monsters

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x3 Each "Absolute Ritual" monster

x2 Djinn Presider of Rituals

x2 Dawnbreak Knight (see screenshot)

x2 Manju of the ten thousand hands

x2 saffira queen of dragons

x1 Magician of Black Chaos MAX

x1 Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon

x1 Demise, Supreme King of Armageddon

x3 Dark Flame Horus https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/393925-dark-flame-horus-a-dark-horus-retrain/https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/topic/393925-dark-flame-horus-a-dark-horus-retrain/

x2 effect veiler

x1 Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit

x1Ash blossom and Joyus Spring


x3 each "Absolute Ritual" ritual spell

x1 Raigeki

x2 Twin Twisters

x1 Galaxy-Cyclone (For searching with Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord)

x1 Monster Reborn

x2 Allure of Darkness


x2 Infinite Impermanence


x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

x1 Black Rose Dragon

x1 Black Rose Moonlight Dragon

x1 Hot Red Dragon Archfiend

x1 Psy-Framelord Omega

x1 Rising Sun Fang https://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/366863-rising-sun-fang/?hl=%2Brising+%2Bsun+%2Bfang

x1 Number 39: Utopia

x1 Number S39: Utopia the Lightning

x1 Evilswarm Nightmare

x1 Crystron Needlefiber https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Crystron_Halqifibrax

x1 T.G. Wonder Magician

x1 Black Luster Solider, Soldier of Chaos

x1 Apollousa, bow of the goddess

x1 Borreload Dragon

x1 Number 90: Galaxy-Eyes Photon Lord

As long as all of the absolute ritual cards are used, any suggestion is fine


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I find quite amusing that Summoner and Sorceress can work as techs in banish-happy DARK decks. That would allow Summoner to work as an engine, first by Summoning a banished DARK, then searching for an archetype Ritual Spell, which in turn searches for a potential Ritual Monster to Summon. Actually, that's a +2 right there, and from just 1 card... damn, sounds almost broken to me.
IDK what the Gishki Vanity-like monster does, but the Noellia one looks subpar. Sucks that one of your conditions is running all of the archetype cards, otherwise I wouldn't run it at all, and looks more like a card that would be abused in stall decks due to the hand-trap attack negation.

There are other valuable Rituals to pick too. I'm thinking of Amorphactor, Lord of the Red and Magician of Chaos for when you go first. Meanwhile, I see little use for Saffira, I would say you don't run enough LIGHTs to make her consistent. Speaking of LIGHTs, I assume you run Dawnbreak Knight to feed her, otherwise I see no purpose for it in the Deck.
Supreme Demise looks like an overkill, unless his Level 10 is relevant for something. But you may as well run regular Demise instead.
The Dark Horus may be a retrain, but still, I don't find it useful. IMO you are better off with something else, like more hand traps or board-breakers (e.g. Dark Ruler no More, Lightning Storm, Pankratops to a lesser extent).
I assume the Gishki Vanity card is a Tuner, because I see no other Tuners in the Deck despite you running Synchros and Halqifibrax. Depending on how accessible is it, the Synchro kit may work well, but if it's not as accessible, you may be better off cutting on the Synchros. There is a sick combo with Deskbot 001, O-Lion, Halqifibrax, Martial Metal Marcher, Linkross and Auroradon, to end with Synchros such as Savage Dragon and Arc Light, if you want to explore that route.
Where is "Preparation of Rites"? You may want more search power for your Ritual Spells. In that case, Sonic Bird and Impcantations ought to be solid picks. Funnily enough, with Sonic Bird you could Summon Simorgh , Bird of Sovereignty, but that's situational and you would have to run Winged Beasts like Apex Avian, the Wind Statue or the big maindeck Simorghs to capitalize on it.

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6 hours ago, Darj said:

I find quite amusing that Summoner and Sorceress can work as techs in banish-happy DARK decks. That would allow Summoner to work as an engine, first by Summoning a banished DARK, then searching for an archetype Ritual Spell, which in turn searches for a potential Ritual Monster to Summon. Actually, that's a +3 right there, and from just 1 card... damn, sounds broken to me.
IDK what the Gishki Vanity-like monster does, but the Noellia one looks subpar. Sucks that one of your conditions is running all of the archetype cards, otherwise I wouldn't run it at all, and looks more like a card that would be abused in stall decks due to the hand-trap attack negation.

There are other valuable Rituals to pick too. I'm thinking of Amorphactor, Lord of the Red and Magician of Chaos for when you go first. Meanwhile, I see little use for Saffira, I would say you don't run enough LIGHTs to make her consistent. Speaking of LIGHTs, I assume you run Dawnbreak Knight to feed her, otherwise I see no purpose for it in the Deck.
Supreme Demise looks like an overkill, unless his Level 10 is relevant for something. But you may as well run regular Demise instead.
The Dark Horus may be a retrain, but still, I don't find it useful. IMO you are better off with something else, like more hand traps or board-breakers (e.g. Dark Ruler no More, Lightning Storm, Pankratops to a lesser extent).
I assume the Gishki Vanity card is a Tuner, because I see no other Tuners in the Deck despite you running Synchros and Halqifibrax. Depending on how accessible is it, the Synchro kit may work well, but if it's not as accessible, you may be better off cutting on the Synchros. There is a sick combo with Deskbot 001, O-Lion, Halqifibrax, Martial Metal Marcher, Linkross and Auroradon, to end with Synchros such as Savage Dragon and Arc Light, if you want to explore that route.
Where is "Preparation of Rites"? You may want more search power for your Ritual Spells. In that case, Sonic Bird and Impcantations ought to be solid picks. Funnily enough, with Sonic Bird you could Summon Simorgh , Bird of Sovereignty, but that's situational and you would have to run Winged Beasts like Apex Avian, the Wind Statue or the big maindeck Simorghs to capitalize on it.

Thanks for the review. For the record, effect veiler, ghost ogre, and ash blossom are tuners and so is drawnbreak knight when gemini summoned. Though your right about dawnbreak knight and saffira probably not being worth it. IDK if you noticed that you can use the absolute ritual spells to summon Dark Flame Horus or any other non ritual monster that meets the requirements written on the card in which case its treated as a ritual monster while face-up and gains any effects its materials give when used for a ritual summon as a normal ritual would. That's why Dark Flame Horus is in there. Thanks for the advice on the other rituals and better techs ( :

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Wait what? It can also Summon non-Rituals through Ritual Summon?! I thought it could search them but still be unable to Summon them due to the restriction at the end. That sounds freaking broken, tbh. Dark Flame Horus is still lackluster and there are plenty of DARK and Dragons you could be abusing instead. REDMD, Levianeer and the Wicked gods come to mind atm, but surely there are other appealing cards out there.

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