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black magician of chaos with no legs

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DMoC sans legs is called "Magical Stone Excavation". Also' date=' this card is horribly worded.[/b']

No kidding. I was overjoyed when I first got this card. Then I found out that its effect could only be used once. Stupid misleading effects....

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It would be banned if it couldn't be used only once.. Anyway' date=' the fact that it is a Counter Trap should clue you that it can only be used once.



It is not a Counter-Trap.

So, what you're saying is... the card is a slower type of card... and that that means it can use its effect even after it's done being used!

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Meh, I don't like the card.

I used to use it, but it was more of a pain to use its effect than a blessing.

Besides, with cards like Ancient Rules, Dedication through Light and Darkness, and Black Magic Curtain, I had little use for this card because the only card i would ever use it on would be Monster Reborn.

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It would be banned if it couldn't be used only once.. Anyway' date=' the fact that it is a Counter Trap should clue you that it can only be used once.



It is not a Counter-Trap.

So, what you're saying is... the card is a slower type of card... and that that means it can use its effect even after it's done being used!


No, I'm just saying that I don't see the Counter-Trap icon on the card, next to "Trap Card".

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