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Story of The Deathbunny


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For everyone who wonders what the hell my avatar is, here's the cyberdemon/deathbunny story


First of all, there is the Cyber Demon home star, where Death Bunny is in command.




Here is a rundown of the Cyber Demons



Cyber Demon


The end boss from Doom, it is the near the bottom in the hierarchy of Cyberdemons.



Seizure Demon


This Cyber Demon represents the anger of the hierarchy of Cyber Demons.



King Demon


While it is the King, it’s not actually the highest in the rankings. This Demon oversees most activity in the rankings of Cyberdemon.



Enhanced King Demon


This version is a much enhanced version of the King. It comes equipped with the awesome power of his Big Java book. This Cyberdemon is an almost unstoppable power with the Big Java book weighing in at a hefty 4lb 2oz with 1232 pages of killing power. This warlike Cyberdemon generally waits and lurks in the background. The main purpose of this Cyberdemon is to act as a back-up if the Deathbunny can't be bothered to do anything. As such it doesn’t reign anywhere in particular, it merely lurks in the background waiting to be summoned to deal with a problem. These problems are then solved with great efficiency aided by the power of Big Java.



Honored Demon


This Cyberdemon is second in command in the Cyberdemon hierarchy. Its past performances earned it a promotion as shown by the medal it proudly wears. One of its main jobs is piloting the Deathbunny Star using the large joystick on the control panel.



Happy Honored Demon


This was the Honoured Cyberdemon captured moments after receiving the promotion, obviously very delighted at his accomplishments. This Cyberdemon respresents a positive frame of mind, being positive is the key to moving forward.



Death Bunny


Supreme ruler of all Cyberdemons. This Cyber Demon reigns supreme over all the rest. The power of this Cyber Demon comes from the Iron Fist, a lethal weapon used to deal with any and all problems that come its way. Many have fallen to the power of the Iron Fist, some very powerful, and the list continues to grow. In the very rare occasions when the Iron Fist is not enough it can summon the Enhanced King Cyberdemon and combine the power of Big Java and the Iron Fist to annihilate the problem.



Angry Death Bunny


This is the strongest Cyber Demon. It is Deathbunny in war mode. A very rarely seen Cyber Demon as Deathbunny is rarely angered to this point.



Santa Death Bunny


Santa Death bunny decides to break tradition, and adopts a festive feel for the Christmas period. He's still as deadly as ever, so don't be fooled by the Christmas hat and white beard.



D3 Deathbunny


This is the possible future of Cyber Demons



Gay Cyber Demon


This is the newest Cyberdemon in the ranks, but it is also one of the lowest. In fact, it is only a step higher than the Slave Cyberdemon. When a Slave Cyberdemon is released from slavery (which hardly ever happens) it most likely will turn into Gay Cyberdemon to try and get back on its feet. Unfortunately that doesn't happen very often and they turn into giant perverts, harassing other Cyberdemons and Crew members along the way. This is the only Cyberdemon to have a full set of clothes, which is funny because it is also the only Cyberdemon who wishes to be naked all the time and do the bed sheet tango.



Slave Deathbunny


This Cyberdemon is the lowest of them all, enslaved by the Deathbunny and used as a symbol of his power over his servants. All who use this symbol are under the control of the Deathbunny.[/align]

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