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FA.INAL Force [Written]

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Equip Spell Card
Equip to a "@Ignister" monster that was Ritual Summoned or Special Summoned from the Extra Deck. The equipped monster gains 1000 ATK for each card on the field. During either players turn: You can destroy this card; the monster that was equipped with this card cannot be destroyed by battle and is unaffected by your opponents card effects until the End Phase this turn. You can only control  face-up 1 "FA.INAL Force".

So this card is based of the anime effects of the Arrival Cyberse that weren't included on the official card where it grants any of your Extra Deck @Ignisters + the ritual 1000 ATK per card on the field (min 2000 ATK boost) in addition to being able to destroy itself to protect the equipped monster while being balanced by only being able control 1 face-up FA.INAL Force at a time.

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