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3 Custom Cards I feel SHOULD be in Yu-Gi-Oh!

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3. Odd-Eyes Platinum Dragon (Not meant to ACTUALLY be platinum):

Is meant to make Odd-Eyes Dragon type monsters more useful.

2. Stardust Burst Dragon:

It’s made to put Stardust Dragon’s GY’s effect to more use.

1. Elemental HERO Toon Neos

I mean why not? P. S. It cannot be normal summoned/set & is destroyed when Toon World leaves the field.


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1 hour ago, Gradget Gaming091 said:

Then can tell me what “Circulation” means, I mean WTF.


Probably i should explain the site rule a bit but next time do it your self (the link to rules has been made really visible in fact):

All sections within custom card can be used to post cards, but actually each section has each own rules and even smaller sub-section that also have extra bits of rule. Pay attention to these rule so any of your posting is enjoyable to all user

Based on your cards (again) you need to repost it in here: https://www.cardmaker.net/forums/forum/65-casual-multiples/


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