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Guest Tiger

Can I have...

A Trainer Card.

Name: David

Your trainer person: Team Galactic Commander

Your First pokemon: Glameow

Your Second Pokemon: Piplup

Your Third Pokemon: Shinx

Your Fourth Pokemon: Luxio

Your Fifth Pokemon: Luxray

Your Sixth Pokemon: Smergal

I like the seconed trainer crad backround example!


An Avatar.


Can It have a whale on it?

If I dont like it can I get my money back?

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the avitars way to big and the trainer cards where made at pokecharms and you took out the made at pokecharms i know cuz everything is like one in a game and pokecharms is the only place that makes it like that


They were not. If they are automaticly from Pokécharms because they look close to there's & the games, then I guss mine are made at Pokecharms also. I make mine almost exactly like that. His looks close to them because he wwas taught by one of the best spriters in the land Mew!(Me). Infact, he is even using the basic badge set, Pokémon text, & template I gave him.

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Guest Tiger

Oh sorry to here that well i got your trainer card hope you like



1. I asked for a Galctic COMMANDER!

2. Glameow is not facing the way the others are + its face is cut off.

3. That is not the backround I asked for.

4. I want all the badges

5. The name is not straight

6. You got that card for pokeplushies and got rid of the part saying from pokeplushie at the bottom.

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Ugh. He did not get them from PokéPlushies. He was just taught by one of the best, Mew 101. He also dosen't have a "full" sprite resource, so he can't get every character sprite. Plus Not all opf the Pokémon are going to be facing each other. It is what we like to call a "mistake".

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