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Humor Card Contest (fixed version) Ended


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I didn't read the rules the first time. Sorry.


This contest is where you can post cards that most would call "Spam". However, there are some rules.


1: No innapropriate pictures or effects. (such as stripping)

2: No mocking other peoples cards.

3: You may enter up to 5 cards.

4: Have fun! OR ELSE!



1st Place: 20 points 2 reps.

2nd: 15 points 1 rep

3rd: 15 points

Honorable Mention: 10



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Don't be too sure. Remember' date=' she can't post anymore cards for the contest, but you have 4 more opportunities.


Classic..... You do know i'm a Male right? I just have a very cute and Feminine side, Easy to make a mistake! Oh and those cards were some of the first I made when I was new to the Card Maker :)

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