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Just a random deck i thought up its not that good but any fixes will be noted




3x Metalzoa

3x Jinzo

3x Fusilier, Dual Mode Dragon

3x Android- Psycho Lord

3x BlowBack Dragon

2x Cyber Dragon

3x Cannon Soldier

3x Blast Sphere

3x Dekochi the battlechanted locomotive



3x Veil of Darkness

1x Overload Fusion

1x Future Fusion

3x Hand Destruction

3x Trade in



3x Chimeratech Overdragon

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Android - Psycho Lord

Cyberdark Dragon

Gatling Dragon


Also, Fusilier/Blowback/Barrel seem really random here, since they're not Level 8 and you have no real way to summon them. Cannon Soldier doesn't support your win condition at all, If you don't happen to draw Veil of Darkness, you're basically screwed, meaning that this is about as consistent as HOTU-Exodia.

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