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Member Cards


So how would you rate Raven's membercards?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. So how would you rate Raven's membercards?

    • Very good work!:D
    • They're good^.^
    • I'm not sure... They're okay, I guess:?
    • Not very good...
    • Bad.
    • Nevermore!-____-

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[font=Times New Roman]After seeing a couple a quite good member cards being made for me, I decided to come up with something in return.
Here you can get free member cards which will be based on the number of stars you currently have and any other thing I may associate with you. If you have a picture you'd like me to use you can send it to me - otherwise I will try to find something appropriate myself.

EDIT: I'd like to thank cyber dragon fusion for supporting me in this task. Since he wanted to help, I decided to give him a chance to improve in the domains he told me about.

Credit goes to: http://jasonengle.deviantart.com/art/Overlord-34711957

[u]Spirit of D.M.G.[/u]

Credit goes to: http://eichi17.deviantart.com/ and http://neu-neu.deviantart.com/art/they-become-stars-60713402

Note: As you can see, I decided to make 2 for you for some reason.



Credit goes to: http://sakimichan.deviantart.com/art/Trapped-Angel-76439962



Note: A special thank to cyber for coming up with this effect.

[u]Von Findlay[/u]
Credit goes to: http://wen-m.deviantart.com/art/Anima-Colonel-81076133


Credit goes to: http://krimsonblood.deviantart.com/art/Electrocute-50268261

[u]Sacred Axle Synchro[/u]
Credit goes to: http://jasonengle.deviantart.com/art/City-of-Twilight-15265768


[u]OCG King[/u]

~switched picture with the one for Hanimir~

[u]Mew 101[/u]
Credit goes to: http://lady-draco.deviantart.com/art/Mew-56758875

A special thanks to cyber for finding this awesome picture^.^

Credit goes to: http://soul-sama.deviantart.com/art/Alti-Abash-27436597

[u]Rain Kurosu[/u]
Credit goes to: http://joggie.net/169/rosario-vampire-02-a-succubus-a-vampire/

[u]Christopher Z[/u]
Credit goes to: http://lasaro.deviantart.com/art/Frozen-soul-48117218

[u]Chronos Crowler[/u]

[u]2nd one for Azerat[/u]

Credit goes to: http://kyoko-taide.deviantart.com/art/See-only-our-beautiful-world-79752495

~switched picture with the one for OCG King~

Credit goes to: http://killforaheart.deviantart.com/art/Dark-Samus-Dragon-Final-64335816


[u]SOS Haruhi[/u]
This image is taken from: http://www.myanimelist.net

Credit goes to: http://canidae.deviantart.com/art/Sleeping-Wombat-68255900

Credit goes to: http://sekra.deviantart.com/art/Gaara-Midnight-15152294

Credit goes to: http://dreadpiratefluffy.deviantart.com/art/Sea-Nymph-Warrior-with-Spear-37750585

Credit goes to: http://casio222.deviantart.com/art/Far-away-on-strange-hill-82826608

[u]saint_jimmy / Parallel Gunshot[/u]
Credit goes to: http://mangakasan.deviantart.com/art/under-a-red-moon-i-hunt-you-73769463

I used a picture buffer gave me, so I don't know who owns the artwork (but it's not me, of course;))

Credit goes to: http://kuroi88.deviantart.com/art/Professor-Lime-80515240

[u]Faint Brushfire[/u]
I got the image from http://www.pokezam.com/

Here's the current waiting list:
~Evil Hero Ant (dark hero)
~sportsplayer627 (no sport-related picture)
~Death Dealer
~Soul of the Hearth
~Dr. Awesome
~2nd one for Lord Whitey (warrior)
~Spell/Trap card support for Hiya (Gaara style)
~Jensran (vampire, death or emo-related)
~The True Silent Swordsman
~The Prince of Death (picture in PM)[/font]
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*bump and time to make a summary*


Now this is the current state:

~Browarod: finished

~Spirit of D.M.G.: almost finished, but I'm not sure about the picture

~Clariex: working on the background

~JLethal: almost finished, but I need to talk with cyber dragon fusion about the effect

~Azerat: on the waiting list

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