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Volcanic Grinder Golem OTK

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Well this is basically a grinder golem otk with some volcanics in for the purpose of deck mill/burn/blow s*** up


the grinder golem otk works by summoning grinder golem, suiciding with a token then removing 3 volcanic counters from the grave to inflict 9000 damage to your opponent, this can also work if my opponent attacks with a high atk monster.


So, heres the deck so far


Monsters 21


Grinder Golem 3

Volcanic Counter 3

Volcanic Shell 3

Volcanic Scattershot 3

Volcanic Rocket 3

UFO Turtle 3

Sangan 1

Morphing Jar 1

Marshmallon 1



Spells 10


Blaze accelarator 2

Wild Fire 2

Hand Destruction 1

Heavy Storm 1


Monster Reborn 1

Foolish Burial 2

Swords of Rev. Light 1


Traps 9


Magical Cylinder 1

Sakuretsu Armour 2

Gravity Bind 1

Begone, Knave! 2

Ordeal Of A Traveler 3


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as i kno that von findlay dosne not have soulems hecant add them also in the deck dust tornado over soulem as it clears the back row as just oposed to paying hal your lp to negate the mirror force, so then when you think about it they both do the same job, exept one card is easier to get

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