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Warrior of Peace, >>DAY 3 ADDED!!!<< Beginning of GIMP Painting


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lol i stopped doing it the traditional way.. i figure might as well do it digitally anyway b/c i will end up scanning it XD


lol i only have GIMP and very limited tech. skill with any other program let alone the high enough skill to handle this massive project on GIMP properly >.<

i picked up a few ( and i mean very few ) tips/tricks from my high school years but really the only way to get better at it is to keep using it XD once you do it enough' date=' it gets easier and easier. i am self taught b/c my art teacher had no idea how to use Photoshop, so she made us read the books and some tutorials on how to use some of the most common tools .. but as stated already just keep using it and have fun with it!



lol im self taught to

but i never took a graphic design in high school.

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