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Weak zombie card idea


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You know what, I like i ^_^. Knowing what the opponent has in the hand is always helpful, and it's fun how this monster gets stronger when the opponent dares to put that card into play. So yeah, it's not exactly game breaking, but can be fun to play. 

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omg thank you soo much, I just register here and I can't wait to make some more stuff (they will consume some time and though) I hope you will like the rest of the stuff I post, I actually did post a vanilla as first ''first'' card but meh this can be considered me first post here :3

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9 minutes ago, Vlasaras said:

omg thank you soo much, I just register here and I can't wait to make some more stuff (they will consume some time and though) I hope you will like the rest of the stuff I post, I actually did post a vanilla as first ''first'' card but meh this can be considered me first post here :3

Welcome to YCM, my friend! I'm looking forward to see your other creations too, make yourself at home 🙂 

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bit clean up:

Once per Turn, reveal 1 random card on your opponent 's hand and keep it revealed until your next End Phase. Whenever card(s) that revealed by the this card effect is placed on the field: This card gain 500 ATK.

information peek is actually deceptively strong effect. although in this case its actually kinda passable since it doesn't really interact much with this card other than the passive boost. speaking of the boost, its actually a bit too high even by modern standard (most ATK boost rarely passed 300 unless konami is on greedy mode for promoting certain deck) but due to its "luck" based factor i guess we can slide it

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Information is always nice to have but this card effect is nice and casual. Now here are a couple of small problems I see.

First off and this is the Big one: - Plz display the cards stats and effect outside of the picture.  Not everyone can see it so someone without access to pictures see's only this " Its not much..but its sommething Plz tell me what you think *weird picture data attachment*


The second problem is on the card itself lies within the effect: Their is nothing in the effect that indicates that you can use it during your opponents turn so this means that the second effect of gaining attack is rather obsolete since the only cards your opponent can play within this time window are quickspells or effect monsters like kuribo. 


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1) ok sure I will be posting the text version of effects

2) I believe I wrote until your ''next'' End Phase soo that means not the End phase of the turn I used the effect but after me opponent finishes his turn, mine comes AND once its over (and by some miracle the imp survives) then its over. soo I guess I covered that or I just wrote it wrong and should PSCT it.

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