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2 stallers and 1 attacker

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Thought of a few moves recently. I admit, not exactly the best strategies ever, but if anyone can find more practical applications for these, tell me.


1) Multiple Spear Cretin Defense.


Okay, so Spear Cretin's ability is that when it is flipped and destroyed, each player can special summon 1 monster from the graveyard other than the Spear Cretin that was just destroyed. Now let's say you already have a Spear Cretin in the graveyard. Special Summon it in face-down defense position and thus the cycle begins. Good for annoying the living feces out of your opponent, especially if they don't have any effect-cancelling cards like Dark Ruler Ha Des. Also, I'm pretty sure Skill Drain doesn't cancel the effect as long as it is destroyed in battle after being in face-down position and allowing the flip effect to happen.


2) Ojama Trio


*VOID* because of its 1 per deck limit in traditional format and ban in adv. format.


3) Ultimate Attack Power


You will need:

Maha Vailo


United We Stand

Mage Power

more equips optional


You obviously see where this is going. Easy and effective power up when your opponent can't defend. United we stand gives Maha Vailo 800 ATK for every monster on your side including the 4 scapegoats. Mage power gives 500 ATK for every spell/trap on your side. And how about we add in a "Big Bang Shot" to do some LP damage if your opponent has a defense position monster. Let's do some simple Math:


1550 (Maha Vailo)

1500 (For each Equip Card b/c of its effect)

1500 (Mage Power)

0400 (BBS)

4000 (UWS b/c MV and 4 scapegoats)

8950 (w/out BBS, its 7950)


yup. immense attack. throw another 2 equips in there for at least 2000 more ATK, but you might not even need it.



Like I said, not exactly worthy strategies to base your decks upon, but yes, I would like to know if anyone has a practical application of any of these strategies. If not, it's not like I killed trees by writing this on paper amirite?

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Guest Chaos Pudding

First one is obvious, and easily stopped.


Second one isn't possible.


Third one is "lolBenKei" without the Ben Kei.

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im not even gonna ask who and/or what BenKei is...but I will what exactly is "lolBenKei"?


What I meant in the second one is that the next turn....let me edit it...done. there, less vague on that. my reasoning for the 1st two is what are the chances your opponent is going to have the right counter for the combo?

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Guest Chaos Pudding

im not even gonna ask who and/or what BenKei is...but I will what exactly is "lolBenKei"?


What I meant in the second one is that the next turn....let me edit it...done. there' date=' less vague on that. my reasoning for the 1st two is what are the chances your opponent is going to have the right counter for the combo?



People run DAD. Card = Gone

You can only run 1 Ojama Trio.

Ben Kei = http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Armed_Samurai_-_Ben_Kei

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• pardon my lack of knowledge of card acronyms, but what is "DAD"

• just checked the 2008 limit list. did not see that b4. my b.

• u mean Ben Kei is good 4 that combo?

• "Larvae Moth OTK". yes i have no idea what that means. once again, limited knowledge of acronyms. now abbrevs, thats what i kno :P

"Yeah' date=' because monster removal totally doesn't exist, especially since you're giving the opponent access to every monster in their graveyard."[/quote']


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u mean Ben Kei is good 4 that combo?


GOOD?!?! its an OTK with the right cards its (almost) unstopable. thing is the ben kei otk (which was done multiple ways) was about a 4 card combo, now what i hear is that people used a card that went threw defence, which i didnt personally understand because why go through monsters if you can just attack dirrectly, now the one i used, and i dont know if any one else used it was the Shooting Star Bow combo, it required:


1 ben kei

1 mage power

1 *incert equip spell that gives 1000 atk (most likly axe)

1 shooting star bow - Ceal


the total plus that ben kei received was 2500 puting him up to 3000 the bow took 1000 away to make him able to attack directly, so he got his orriginal attack, plus three other attacks so that was 2000 X 4 direct, in other words, game. now the full combo included giant trunade/ heavy storm to ensure that you wouldent have to deal with a back row and it would be an instant win. now the problems i had was it crumbled against the mained decks, like monarchs. though now with mage power unlimited i might just try to make it again... ANY how

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*looks it up on Wiki*

*gets redirected to "Spanking"*

*is confused but then finishes reading and sees the light*


ooooooooh....I get it...


i still prefer "kick-ass" to "spank-ass"

Crab means the Yugioh Wikia.


I'll be nice. An OTK = One Turn Kill.

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