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necro dark deck (ndd for short :P)

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this deck is trying to accomplish what i had wished to accomplish so much, the ability to work chaos necromancer, now chaos necromancer isnt the only high attacker in this deck but he dose work decently i have tryed it on yvd and its decent on consistency i might give it a test IRL. please tell me what you think and tell me if there are any ways to improve apon this?


Monster (26)

3 kind of the skull servants

3 skull servant

3 armageddon night

3 mystic tomato

3 dark grepger

3 chaos necromancer

2 DD dasher

1 sangan

2 the dark creator

1 DD disk commander

2 darklord zerato


Spell (13)

2 D draw

2 book of life

1 monster reborn

1 premature burial

1 fissure

1 smashing ground

1 heavy storm

1 giant trunade

1 mystical space typoon


Trap (3)

1 mirror force

2 dust tornado

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needs torrential tribute


i knew i forgot something... sorry this is what i like to call the "rough draft" version of the deck. its very focused on the stratagy and has alot of useless cards that work good for the stratagy but might not be a good idea in the end result. you will end up seeing alot of decks like this from me.

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