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Calculator Yubel


Monsters - 16

3x Yubel

2x Yubel 2

3x The Calculator

3x Fog King (lol @ free calc boost)

3x Mystic Tom

1x Snipe

1x Morphing


Spells - 15

3x Reasoning

2x Gate

2x Double Summon

2x Thunder Crash ( kill own yubel, bring out V.2)

3x Upstart

2x Inferno Reckless Summon (calc w/ reasoning + this wins games)


Traps - 9

3x Slime

2x Zoma The Spirit

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn


R/F plz

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Thunder Crash will not work to bring out your Ver. 2. You should also see if you can get your hands on one ver. 3 As a backup plan. Also, maybe some reborn cards to keep cycling your Yubels and a Samsara Lotus, to keep Yubel on the field until someone can kill him off properly.

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when calculator is summoned there will be at least a lvl 2 on the field (itself) so machine dup cannot be played on it

That has nothing to do with anything, it's a Thunder-Type, not Machine.


There's no point in Samsara Lotus, because if this Deck is going fast, Yubel will be destroyed and Yubel 2 will come out the first turn it's summoned.


Doom Shaman?

Sacred Phoenix?



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There's no point in Samsara Lotus' date=' because if this Deck is going fast, Yubel will be destroyed and Yubel 2 will come out the first turn it's summoned.



true, if the deck is going fast, however if it is not, then its a nice backup...

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Plus' date=' Yubel - Ultimate Nightmare is horrible. Doom Shaman and/or Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys would do much better.


Once again, it is just for backup. I have a Yubel deck IRL that I play with, and if I have Yubel - Terror Incarnate on the field, usually my opponent won't touch him until he can take care of both forms, then I activate Waboku. Then I play a swing of memories or something and start the process all over again. all the while attacking my opponent with a Inaba white rabbit each turn.

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First of all' date=' don't think yubel is the main idea in this deck. It's teh calculator.


Yes, but if you have a Yubel on the field, calculator reaps the benefits, So having a steady yubel always on the field, protects your life, and feeds calculator.

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