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Neos DED remake

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Rainbow Neos x3

Destiny End Dragoon x2



EH Neos x2

EH Neos Alius x3

EH Stratos

EH Prisma x3

DH-Dogma x2

DH-Plasma x2

DH-Disk Commander

DH-Fear Monger x2

Rainbow Dragon x2

King of the Swamp x3



Polymerization x3

Burial From the Different Dimension (to return 3 DH back to the grave)

Monster Reborn

Fusion Recovery


Heavy Storm



Dark Bribe x3

Solemn Judgment x2

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Hero Blast x3

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Miracle fusion maybe?' date=' I don't know but I just thought you could easily get Rainbow Neos out with foolish burial then Miracle Fusion after getting out Neos. You could use Miracle fusion after future fusion too.



Unfortunately, you can't use Miracle Fusion on Rainbow Neos bc he is not a E-Hero. If he had the name of Elemental Hero Rainbow Neos, then u can use Miracle Fusion, but it's not possible. Yes I can use Future Fusion, but it's too risky of it getting destroyed easily and waste a Fusion possibility.

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